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Friday, October 27, 2006

A Free Internet Marketing Tip I Should Charge For

Want people to see your website even when they aren't at your website? Want people to remember your website every time they open their favorite folder in their PC?

I have a friend who names his products or giveaway files (files that people are going to download etc.) with his website name included in it. eg. ""

Can you see how this would help you?!

For a long time I was wondering why he does that and I finally figured it out. At first I thought it was for his own sake to keep track of his product/files etc. but the real reason is this-->

It's so people wil be reminded of YOUR SITE long after they have visited it!

When they go searching for that product they downloaded from you last month or that freebie
they downloaded a few days ago, they will see your website URL right there!

So long as they don't change the file name in the DL process:( But that is highly unlikely because it also helps them to keep track of where they got that download from.

++You get Free Advertising and they get to remember where they got that product from!

How do you say.........++WIN-WIN++

This is especially handy when it comes to Free Giveaway events where people come and download 10 items in one sitting. They easily forget who or where it came from.

++Add in your website address or even your name into your file's name and make it stick in peoples heads++

I'm surprised more people aren't doing this. It can't hurt and doesn't take any time!

Stuart Stirling

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