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Friday, October 06, 2006

Internet Marketing Giveaways! Better than at first site!

Once in a while, you will come across a gold mine in the internet marketing scene known as a free giveaway. For internet marketers this is like being in a candy store and with $20 pocket money to spend. Although it's good for the visitor to get all the freebies, it's even better for the gift contributor.

For anyone unfamiliar with this special event, it's a collection of marketers all contributing a product. They or should I say, we, offer ebooks, software, plr, master resell rights, subscriptions, memberships, discounts, anything that other online marketers would be interested in.

"But wait Stuart Stirling!, why do you just give it away?" I can hear you ask. In order to build our lists. That's the whole idea. We can actually still hit them up with a sale while they're going through the download process but as long as we get their name and email address, we're laughing!

Sure we're sacrificing a good product that they could sell but we would rather the opt-in subscribers to sell to later. Remember, the money is in the list. Contributors even get first pick of all the free products so it works out even better if you're a contributor.

Right now there is an end of summer free for all giveaway going on.
You can go there now here-> End of Summer Giveaway

It only runs for the next week and then the doors are shut forever. But don't worry too much if you miss it. The next huge giveaway will be just around the corner.

Infact there is a halloween giveaway in the process of recruiting JV partners. If you're interested in contributing a product and building your list, go and sign up to be a JV partner here-> Halloween JV Sign Up

You'll be glad you joined because every time I have been a contributing partner, I have enjoyed watching my list growing faster than anything else.

Stuart Stirling

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