3 Tips To Help You Make More Money This Christmas
I've been flat out lately checking out anddownloading the mountains of 'Top Shelf' gifts
available for download at the many giveaways
going on at the moment.
If you haven't been over to see them yet,
I'm sure you will get around to it. When that
time comes, here are the links to the best
ones I know of->
1. Perhaps the best one! Don't mind the website though.
2. 30 Days of Christmas
3. Happy Holidays Giveaway
4. Best Of Christmas Giveaway
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+++ Business Thought of the Week +++
With all the craziness that comes with the Christmas
season, it is easy to relax and neglect your business.
And when that happens, sa|es and revenue starts to fall
away. If you're like me, that's not really the goal for
anytime of year so please have a quick read of this....
++ 3 Tips To Keep Making M0ney During The Holidays ++
1. Realize that this is the "Silly Season". People open
their wallets like there's no tomorrow during the Christmas
Season! Don't be afraid to promote something hard. Even an
"expensive" one. Either your own product or a hot selling
affiliate product. Have a browse through clickbank for
some products related to your business' prospects/niche.
If you really know it's good, your customers will thank you.
2. If you have a list of 0pt-in subscribers, treat them
well. You want to promote good products to them but at
the same time, you want to keep them favoring you. Keep
a good balance of promoting/selling (whatever you want to
call it) and offering free advice, free gifts, free
services, discounts, etc. Remember, we often hear that
each prospect in our list is worth $1 to us every month.
3. Sell things on auction sites like ebay! Flocks of
people are looking at shopping sites and auction sites
for cheap christmas gifts! If you have a site promoting
several products, then I recommend you drive as much
traff|c to those sites as possible. You'll be surprised
at how many people are willing to splurge.
Stuart Stirling
P.S. - I was once told by a great businessman:
"There are 3 kinds of people in the world:
+ Those that MAKE THINGS HAPPEN...
+ Those that WATCH Things Happen...
+ and Those that SAY "What Happened?"
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I hope you can apply these tips during the "Splurge"
season and profit immensely.
Stuart Stirling
P.S. - Here's a gift that will REALLY help you during
the "Silly Season". It seems to have come just at the
right time. (not available through any f.ree giveaways)
A value of $67 but today I have been allowed to give
it away to you for Free!
P.P.S. - After completing registration for the above
gift, there is an option to upgrade. But even without
it, you can still make some nice quick cash.
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