how well we could do using one of web 2.0's most lucrative sites,
If you haven't heard about, let me tell you about it briefly. It's f'ree to sign up for an account and you can build your own page/website on anything you like.
It's a bit of a mix between blogger and myspace but 10 times more fun. Once I start creating,
I find it hard to stop. It's really addictive!
I heard about it late last year and that it was a great place to get f'ree traffic. I experimented
and made a few "lenses" (a squidoo page is called a lens) and experienced some traffic but nothing to write home about....until I entered this competition!
There are approximately 67,000 lenses in total on squidoo right now and mine jumped from around 38,000 the first day I made it (Saturday), to 966 today.
"I made the top 1000 lenses in just 3 days and climbing!"
As you can imagine, I was more than impressed with my efforts seeing that my highest ranking lens up until now never reached the top 10,000.
I did however put in extra effort with this one and I'm quite happy with it. I loaded it with
awesome info on my favourite topic.......
......"Affiliate Marketing!"
I know you're probably thinking "Give me the link already!", so here it is-
There is a place for you to leave a comment and add your link. I also suggest you get your own
f'ree squidoo account like me and start building your lens. A great way to get f'ree exposure!
Please don't forget to vote for my lens at the top of the page by clicking on the stars.
When you've signed up and created a your own lens, send me a quick link to it and I'll be more than happy to check it out and vote for it!
To your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: affiliate marketing, increase web site traffic, squidoo, web 2.0
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