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Thursday, September 13, 2007

JV Giveaway PRO - A Scam for SPAM?

If you are thinking of buying the JV Giveaway PRO software for your own jv giveaway website or even joining up innocently as a free member or jv partner, here's why you had better avoid it or run the risk of getting your email address exploited. Your address might be sold on a mass spam list or get spambots picking it up with ease. Either way, you don't want this to happen if you hate spam like I do!

I just received an annonymous email telling me about a shocking discovery concerning JV giveaway PRO.

Here's a copy of that email:

"I had quite a shock because spam had increased
rather dramatically on this one e-mail adress.

When I wanted to check up on how many giveaway
services might have listed one of my products
(have written several e-books), I was rather
surprised to find OUR e-mail adresses on this
webpage which could be found using Google.

Here's the link where I found our e-mail adresses:
Such lists should never be made available to
browsers, and I am sure you can appreciate my
surprise when I found out about this.

So, if anyone is in doubt one must apparently
have an extra e-mail address to be used even for
fellow marketers."

So if you have been a part of a JV using the JV Giveaway PRO script, you probably have noticed an increase of spam flooding it. I know I have. The webmasters of that web site are either selling that list to spammers or spam bots are harvesting our email addresses from that web page.

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