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Friday, November 16, 2007

The fastest way to go out of business

My main niche I make most of my income from is the "make money online" niche. I have a nice sized list and it's growing all the time.

I don't annoy my subscribers everyday like some marketers do - I have an autoresponder to do that for me :) But seriously, I don't flog every new product release or offer I find just to make a quick buck.

I'm rarely found to be sending out more than 2 emails a week to my lists. And when I do broadcast an email, it is something that I either think is great value and too good to miss or it is something free (and useful because even something free can cost time). I usually get a good response because my readers know that I don't send them trash.

The light bulb went off in my head a few days ago with this realization.

If I don't send my subscribers things that will actually help them to make money online like I'm proclaiming, how I am I supposed to stay in business? My job is to help people make online, that means if I can't provide my customers the means to make money online, they will soon find someone else who does.

Let's compare it to a Chinese restuarant and I'm hungry for fried rice. There's a restuarant that claims they have the tastiest fried rice in town. I go there and the rice stinks! I'm not going back! Why would I? Sure the price might be right and the place might be nice, but if that fried rice doesn't satisfy me, I will keep searching for a Chinese restaurant that does.

The "make money online" niche is just as ruthless (I'm not a restaurant owner, so I don't know exactly). Afterall, we're dealing with a very touchy subject - MONEY! Money is valuable. People LOVE to make money and HATE lose it.

Consider this......

With this "make money" niche is, if people aren't making money from the products or services you peddle to them that are, where are they going to get money from for the next offer you hit them up for? It's a very fragile path you walk as a list owner in the "make money online" niche.

My point is, and this goes to internet marketers in any niche.....

If you are marketing to a list of subscribers, you MUST be providing them with what they want.

If you say you can help people cook the most delicious fried rice, then give them the recipe to do it. If you say you can help them make money online, then don't peddle trash asking them to empty their wallets. That will just make them lose money and that is the fastest way to go out of business.

As the Japanese business saying goes - "Kyaku wa Kami" meaning "The customer is God". Put your customers first and reap the rewards later.

Thanks for reading,
Stuart Stirling

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