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Monday, January 07, 2008

Basic but effective marketing tips for the New Year

The holiday season is over and its back to work for most of us.

My wife and I decided to "getaway" for a few days to a beautiful little Japanese mountain resort town called Karuizawa about 5 hours drive south-west of our place.

Check out some pics of us here

We had a great time. If you ever have a chance to come to Japan, I recommend you visit Karuizawa too.

Now it's back to work. It can be a drag for some people but I'm EXCITED about it.

Here's why....

I have refreshed and it's a new year where I am determined to make it an even better year than last.

So HOW am I going to make this year better?

For one, I'm not going to give up. It only makes sense that if you never give up you are guaranteed to succeed.

Second, I am daring. I want to try new, bigger, better, challenges. Create new offers, products and services targeting new markets. Try different marketing
techniques and methods.

Next, I will keep my first priority of building my list. Whether its product creation, JVs, advertising, even affiliate marketing, all I do must build me a targeted list.

My list is my business. Increase list size, increase business.

Lastly, but not least, keep my customers happy. Keep customers happy by offering helpful info, delivering good value and attending to personal needs.

Of course these steps aren't the be all and end all of business/marketing but it IS these core principles that are necessary to see success but unfortunately so many aspiring entrepreneurs lack.

Marketing is a fun business. The best time to for internet marketing is now. There are more people online these days than ever before. More marketers too but so many more prospects, and it's growing at an alarming rate.

Are you as excited as I am?

I hope so.

To a greatly successful new year online!
Stuart Stirling

ps - The thing I love most about the internet is that anyone can create multiple streams of income...without needing to be an expert!
=> Anyone can make money online!

(*HINT*: read the short story in the blue box starting with "Last night I spent my New Year's Eve at a local restaurant....")

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