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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Be A Social Networking Marketer? Simple Strategies Revealed

YouTube, Facebook and MySpace get millions of visitors daily! That is a lot of traffic! Social Networking and Social Marketing allow you to tap into some of that traffic and increase your own web presence. But there is a knack to it.

Marketing in Social Networking Websites is becoming more and more popular with online marketrers. And looking at the traffic stats from above, the reasons are clear.

The social networking websites mentioned above are just a couple of top examples of social sites which online entrepreneurs use to promote and market their own websites and products. When used properly, these sites can drive loads of unique and targeted traffic to your site on a consistent basis.

Here's how to be a Social Networking Marketer.

Social networking sites allow users to interact with each other like in the real world, if not better, with video, audio, file sharing, blogging, chat and discussion groups. While these sites provide a huge arena for social networking, they also offer invaluable use to online entrepreneurs and social marketing.

As with most things on the internet, they quickly grow and branch out into niches. Today there are many Social network sites that allow you to interact with users that have very specific interests and new social networking sites are built around these niche topics every day.

When it comes to niche social networking sites, there are always be people in forums looking for advice on that niche topic. Once you find a site or group comprised of users interested in your niche, you have a good chance of becoming an authority on the subject, and opens the doors for your chance at social niche marketing.

A word of caution though: Although social networking sites are used by thousands upon thousands of online marketers to promote their products, you'll wear out your welcome fast if you just breeze in and try to promote your product or service without
any real interaction.

These are called spammers. Spammers aren't welcome at these sites, or anywhere so you could do your business more harm than good if you don't utilize them properly.

While it may take a while to build up real contacts, remember this is only one way to promote your site or product; you don't want to depend entirely on one site or even one format.

Networking on the Internet works in much the same way as networking in the brick and mortar world. It's a give and take situation where you express interest and contribute with the others in the network. As you do this, others will express interest in you and what you have to offer. Afterall, people are people and not robots just because they use a computer.

Here's how to build your credentials, and make you an expert.
Why not upload a short video tutorial at YouTube, create one or more blogs at the various free blogging sites such as blogger or wordpress.

Create pages at MySpace, Facebook, or any other social networking sites that appeal to you and show the world what you know. Of course, don't show them your best stuff as you want to save your best info for your products you can sell!
Getting involved at social networking sites can give your online business a boost and drive a lot of targeted website traffic as long as you develop a genuine presence at the sites and make the time and effort to create relative content as there is a lot of competition. So make sure you go about it with sincerity and passion. Go hard, or go home.

Stuart Stirling

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