Is Web 1.0 Dead? Welcome to Web 2.0
What is Web 2.0? You've probably heard a lot of talk about the term Web 2.0. It's not a piece of software, but the new 21st century platform for user generated content.
Instead of users merely surfing the web, they're interacting with other users and enterprises. Web 2.0 has become the new environment at the heart of the Internet, with audience participation in overdrive. Websites like, and are perfect examples of Web 2.0 in use today.
SIDENOTE: If you ever take a look at the top 100 website rankings for traffic, you'll see web 2.0 website DOMINATE. eg. is No.2 in the world!
A good example of the difference in Web 2.0 and the era of the Internet's infancy, or perhaps Web 1.0 is that while surveys have not been abolished, they were a reigning presence in the early days of the Internet to gauge a customer's preferences and experiences. Now customers impressions can be displayed over a wide range of areas.
The evolution of Web 2.0 brings customers the ability to make themselves part of the website. They can create a membership account, add a photo, add a video, write a blog post, leave a comment, ask a question, rate a product, send a message to other users and use a number of other interactive tools immediately.

While the surveys of yesterday provided information solely to the marketers, Web 2.0 interfaces share the opinions and experiences of customers with each other. This platform gives "word of mouth" a new meaning and a much faster and effective vehicle.
Web 2.0 embraces the same technologies for social networking as it does for enterprise. This enables users to communicate across a wide variety of sites using the same material while it forges much more of a community bond than the earlier technologies.
Web 2.0 advances have even allowed politicians to take advantage of the interactive interface by communicating with voters in ways never before possible. And, perhaps most exciting of all, e-commerce has profited and continues to profit handsomely from the Web 2.0 phenomenon.
Therefore, the Web 2.0 trend is rapidly changing the Internet for all kinds of users. For Internet marketing entrepreneurs, we have to keep up with the technological changes found in Web 2.0 or we fear to lose to the competition. People just won't stick around if we all they can so is look and read, which is so typical Web 1.0.
Web 2.0 marketing does not necessarily mean you have to build your own Myspace or Youtube. While it is a great idea, the other important aspect of Web 2.0 marketing is to
utilize the current websites like Youtube to direct traffic to your own website, offers etc.
The point: CAPITILIZE!
Luckily, there is Web 2.0 marketing help that will show you how to do this. A small group of marketing experts have combined their skills and created a membership website that will teach you Web 2.0 Marketing. I personally have access to their training materials and I can say this stuff is simply amazing. They really know what they're talking about.

If your serious about making money online in the present, you need this. If you want to make money online in the future, it will be almost impossible without this. Claim one of the 1000 exclusive memberships available and start profiting today and into the future with Web 2.0 Marketing.
To your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: e-commerce-advances, home-business, internet-marketing-2008, web 2.0
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