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Friday, February 08, 2008

Online Profit Increasing Tips - Pump It Up Like Arnie!

NEWS: Simple Step-by-Step Strategies to Driving Traffic to your Websites in One Hour Per Day! Download Real World Traffic Strategies here! (hint: keep an eye out for the PLR bonus)

Today, I want to talk about Doubling Efficiency and in turn, doubling your profits.

The beauty of running your own home business is that you're in control. You choose how you work and you see the rewards.

ie. a PAY RISE.....yay!

If sales are up, give yourself a pat on the back. If sales are down, you'd better pull your thumb out and get stuck back into it :)

So how does a business person increase their efficiency? Read this short story......

I just finished reading a very eye-opening email from a fellow internet marketer and friend who also lives in Japan.

He related his experience of a recent visit to the local gym to the way some marketers do business.

As he was out there pumping iron, there were 2 other young Schwarzenneger wanna-be's decked out in muscle shirts and belts (even they didn't need them for the weights they were "lifting").

My friend watched as they'd sit on the bench and talk about training and "getting HUGE" and finally head over to the machine to do a 30 second set of reps, obviously not straining, not trying to force another rep in.

Guess what happens...

Fast forward 6 months.....They're going to wonder WHY they haven't beefed up.

They put in the TIME at the gym. So what was wrong with that??

They lacked one thing, INTENSITY.

How many times do we get distracted or simply feel like it's too hard?

Or the best one of all, "I'll do it tomorrow..."?

Persistence, focus, INTENSITY does pay off.

Let's say one of those 2 "posers" at the gym actually started to get serious about bulking up.

What if he added just ONE extra rep to each of his sets?

What if he added an extra 10 pounds to the bar?

What if he went to the gym FOUR times a week
instead of twice a week?

Do you think he would start making his friend look
like a bean pole?

The answer is a certain YES!

I'm sure you can apply this to YOUR business, where you're at now and what you need to do to start seeing the results you want.

If you only doubled the amount of time doing actual money-making (ie. business building) activities, you'd double your profits, right?

So, what's stopping you?

My friend who relayed this story lives by his moto "Go heavy or Go home" in not only his work-out habits but in his business, and it shows.

I hope this has been a kind of "kick up the rear" to get you moving in the right direction toward your goals.

Pick a path, stick to it, pump that iron and don't stop until you reap the rewards!

Have a fantastic weekend and be in touch next week.

Stuart Stirling

PS - There are 38 pages of business success inspiring lessons in my latest ebook release, Next Internet Disaster, even better than the little story I just shared with you above. (grab it while the discounted price lasts)

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