Making Money Online Made Easy
"It was like a fry pan to the face. "When I first wanted to get started making money on the internet, I had dreams about making money on auto-pilot, while I sleep and seeing huge pay checks fill my mailbox out of thin air for doing nothing.
It was all about financial freedom!
So where am I today...Am I financially free? Not completely. I wish I could say yes...but the truth is, although I am heading in the right direction, I'm still a long way from it.
It was because I didn't understand what it really meant to be financially free. I thought it meant that I would have enough money to quit my day job, buy my dream house and luxury car, etc...
However, that's not to say I don't have any money to live comfortably and buy luxuries for myself and wife. I do, just that the way I earn my money does not let me be completely 100% free.
Today I learned the real meaning of financial freedom.
In this world, a person has two types of possessions; Assets and Liabilities.
We are led to believe that an asset is something we own that has a monetary value, Eg. house, property, etc.... and a liability is a possession that costs money to keep and maintain, Eg. Car,
But, this understanding is completely WRONG!
It was pointed out to me in a new ebook I read today which talks about the infamous book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad".
I learned that an asset is something that MAKES you money, even if you leave it alone.
It's NOT something that only has a monetary value. Basically, if its not making you money, it's costing you money. So, it turns out that the above "assests" most us are led to believe are not assest, because they do not make us money.
Owning these "money making" types of assets will make you financially free. You will be earning money passively. You work once and make money forever. You will be free to make money without sacrificing your time, letting you do whatever you want with your time, and your money.
An example of a real asset would be something like owning a block of apartments and making passive income from renting out the rooms.
This is a successful business model, but it may take a long time to get going until you actually start making passive income. It needs skill and requires a lot of time on you part to check out apartment buildings etc.
Passive Income On The Internet!
The Internet is the perfect place for passive income streams. Real assets can be built here.
You can build automatic businesses by using a mix of automatically sent out emails via auto-responders, which promote and follow up on affiliate products/services that pay recurring commissions.
There are ways to set your website traffic on auto-pilot too by using a combination of articles, SEO and paid advertising.
We all want to earn as much money as possible while working as little as possible. The way to do it is by creating passive income streams. We can stop working and the money will still flow. I finally figured out that its these auto cash-flow, passive income streams that will set us financially free!
And these are the fundamental principles I am sharing in my ebook, Lazy Man's Paycheck.
Inside the ebook, I go into much greater detail on how to set up multiple online income streams and provide a number of helpful resources that show you how to automate your internet businesses. What's more is that you can own this info for just 5 bucks!
To our financial freedom! ....After all, that is what it's ALL about!
Stuart Stirling
Labels: affiliate-marketing-help, easy-affiliate-marketing, easy-way-to-make-money-online, internet-rat-race, online-passive-income-streams
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