Getting in the "IM Blackbook" - Players Only!
Online marketing yet again strikes the offline world with the introdution on the Internet Marketer's BLACKBOOKEveryone is familiar with the "Yellow Pages" as an all-in-one directory for stores, businesses and services in your local area.
The IM BLACKBOOK is like an "insider's yellow pages", a directory of the best internet based businesses. It is not a digital ebook - it will be a soft cover 8.5" x 11" bound tangible book.

It's especially geared towards internet business owners/marketers and their products and services.
Whether you're an ezine publisher, info-product creator, blogger, membership site/forum webmaster, website/graphics designer, php code monkey or freelance writer, you can have a listing in the IM BLACKBOOK with a whole 1 page advert.
Not only will you get your listing in the book, you will also receive a copy of the book to keep and use in your daily business activities.
And because the internet is accessible worldwide, locality of your business is not a problem, but these spots aren't just for anyone, they are served for serious IM players ONLY!
James B. Allen (internet marketing expert) and his crew are in preparation stages of securing listings for their up-soming release of IM BLACKBOOK.
This is an unbelievable chance to get YOUR own one-page listing in what will be a must-have resource for your website/product/service and not only that, but to connect with other like-minded people you can potentially work with in the future.
And if you're wondering, yes, I’ve already secured my listing :)
So how do you get in the IM BLACKBOOK?
Listings are only being accepted up until May 9, 2008 or until the 201 spots are taken, whichever comes first.
For complete details on how to claim your spot and copy of the "Internet Marketer's Blackbook", visit the website:
Labels: im-blackbook, internet-business-directory, internet-marketers-blackbook
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