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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oh, WOE is the life of this Internet Marketer

Ahhhhh, do you sometimes wish you never got out of bed?

These last 7 days have been very trying for me and my wife.

You see, our apartment was BROKEN INTO last week by a theif who got away with my wife's
laptop computer, brand name bags, my beloved PSP and games among other things.

Altogether, we're DOWN about $3000 worth of goods, not to mention the invasion of privacy
which you really can't put a price on.

I admit it could have been a lot worse, but it was a big ordeal for me and especially my wife which we are still getting over.

It was big a surprise as Japan is considered such a safe, low crime country.


So this last 7 days we've been trying shake this off and get our lives back on track.

I was looking for a new computer for my wife and one I can use at home when I'm not working
with James Brown and I found a nice one. An NEC LL550/L and running Windows Vista.

It's actually quite nice to use and I am very happy with Vista - not anywhere near as bad as the HORROR stories some people make out.

I have been spending all day today installing all the necessary software and tools and adding some of my favorite bookmarks I use for business ...and recreation ;)

Time Out - Why am I telling you this?

Everyday we are bombarded by emails with nothing but offers in them -- they seem to be written by a ROBOT -- no feeling, no purpose but to extract money from your wallet.

The internet is changing.

People are getting closer and closer as the ways of communication is getting easier.

And people like it!

Just take - people are going crazy about it. I don't think it's much of a marketing tool, but it let's people follow your movements. You can keep up with my movements on Twitter here.

Doing business is all about connecting with your customers and clients - it's about making friends.

Why should it be any different online?

That's one of the reasons why James Brown and I started doing the Free Coaching Calls.

It's so we can connect with our subscribers on a more personal level and vise versa.

It's those who can connect with their customers and prospects better who will experience greater success because it's a 2-way street. When you do business right, you win and your customer wins.

We just had our 3rd call just over 24 hours ago and they are going great. The response it very positive!

If you haven't registered on the call notify list yet Stuart, you are seriously missing out.


To your success,
Stuart Stirling

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