Why on earth would anyone use Twitter? Please explain...
So working with IM guru James Brown these last few weeks has been interetesing. We've got a lot of good work done and I've been learning heaps but....He is all over this Twitter.com stuff and he's harrassing me to join too....I have been making jokes about it and saying "why on earth would I want to join a time wasting thing like Twitter?"
But the raving kept coming so what do I do? I finally crack and I join up plainly to see what all the fuss is about.
Well, after signing up less than 1 hour ago and uploading a silly ostrich face as my profile picture, I still can't see the real gains from using it.
I guess it's like a big instant message or chat program where you can just share your own blurb, see into people's lives and share your every movement and announcement however small.
But is there something bigger I'm missing here?
Perhaps I could throw out a question and let them all jump on that? In that way its like Yahoo Answers.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll find a good use for Twitter one day, but I'm not going to drop everything to in any sort of hurry.
Stuart Stirling
(on Twitter.com - if you care)
Labels: how-use-twitter, is-twitter-a-waste-of-time, twitter-tips
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