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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Branding with Moments - Very Cool Article

This is an email I got from Dan "the man" Lok just now. Great info all marketers or business people should learn from and put into practice.

"Dan, what makes a powerful brand?" my protégé Jonathan asked.

"A powerful brand delivers moments." I said.

"What are moments?"

"You see, human beings don't remember days. Days are not memorable. We remember moments," I said. "Remember your first kiss? Remember your first car? Remember the moment
when your child was born? Those are special moments we never forget."

"So we have to deliver unique experiences to our customers?"

"Yes, but it's MORE than that. A powerful brand delivers moments... moments that we want to re-live again and again." I explained to Jonathan. "You have to understand most people lead lives of quiet desperation. People are bored out of their minds."

"So if we can deliver moments, they'll want to do business with us again and again?"

"That's right. And why do you think celebrities and athletes get paid so much money... Because they're famous? No. Because they entertain us? That's part of it. Because they deliver moments to us. They deliver excitement to us. The amaze us. They startle us. They move us. They make us
cry. They make us laugh. They make us think. Most importantly, they make us dream."

"I actually never thought of it that way."

"People will spend their last nickel to have fun."

"That's so true."

"So if you really think about it... you're not selling a product... you're not selling a service. Ultimately, what we're all selling is good feelings."

"Good feelings?"

"We buy the new car because it makes us feel good. We buy the ice cream because it makes us feel good. We go on vacations because it makes us.."

"Feel good!"

"You got it," I concluded.

Dan "The Man" Lok

Read more from Dan Lok at his website.

Hope this helps you learn the importance of branding while we are selling. Feel free to leave your comments or thoughts.

Stuart Stirling


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