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Sunday, June 01, 2008

3 Steps to Securing your Online Fortune...Especially for Newbies

Newbies have it tough in the Internet marketing business!

I only need to look at all the "make easy money online" programs and systems that
look so inviting and you'd be INSTANTLY confused.

The statistics say that 95 out of 100 people never make any money at all online.

So what does a Newbie need to really start actually making money on the net?

I'd like to break down the steps for securing online fortunes into 3 simple steps....

Step #1

You need to commit yourself to LEARNING online business as well and much as you can. Learn how the internet works and learn how money is made.

This comes by reading information on websites, blogs, in reports and ebooks, signing up for
email newsletters, listening to interviews and teleseminars and anywhere else you can find
a trustworthy source.

I have a couple of excellent RESOURCES that teach Newbies(especially) Online business secrets simply and quickly: (NEW) and (Highly Rated)

Step #2

Take your new-found knowledge and put it to use!

In other words, TAKE ACTION! If you have just read about how you can set up a website, then
go out, follow the instructions and do it.

Even if you're still unsure about it, you always learn when you get in there and do it. When you
get truly stuck, ask someone for help.

Step #3

Keep at it until you SUCCEED! It makes only sense that if you never give up, you are guaranteed

If you can't get traffic, if you can't convert that traffic, if you can't get that JV, then try different approaches until you find one that works.

Just don't throw in the towel and pick up something else before you give it a decent shot first.

In other MUST be committed!

Stuart Stirling

ps. Start your learning (Step #1) with these 2 quality resources...

=> (NEW) and
=> (Highly Rated)

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