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Saturday, August 16, 2008

How to "Really" Make a Video Go Viral

People and marketers put the term "Viral Video" on the latest video marketing craze and video search marketing....whatever you want to call it.

But are regular videos you upload to Youtube really viral videos?

The fact that the embed code can be used to put that video on any webpage offers the opportunity for it to be shared and go viral, but usually it stops with one or two rounds of sharing.

Now if you can add more incentive to make others want to share the video, it will take off and become a viral marketing weapon.

Here's a perfect example of a viral video.

This is done by "Uncle Sal" - Harris Fellman's loser brother...joking. "Forgeddaboudit!!"

But look very closely at what he is doing here. Study it.

First, the video is hilarious and on a popular topic.

Second, he is making his video re-brandable.

Third, he's making it easy to share.

He's made it possible for anyone to rebrand it with their name, their friend's name , clickbank ID (because he is promoting a product with this video) and using a contact import feature so you can send your cool "personalized" video to all of your friends with ease.

The video is an absolute crack up -- and that's the key. Sure it might have worked if he was revealing some breakthrough marketing info, but I doubt it would have had the same impact.

After watching it, you really feel like you want to share it because that's just human nature. We want to make others laugh. Sharing funny things is the best way to show your friends you care. (does that sound corny?)

In the past few years on the Internet, rarely have I seen something as cool, from a marketing perspective, as this. This could even be the best viral marketing campaign I have ever seen online.

Good job Sal, I love your hair-do. I hope this is super profitable for you and your goons.

Stuart Stirling


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