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Friday, January 09, 2009

Newbie Toolkits - Save 30%

I have been getting hammered by newbie internet marketers asking me "how do I get a website?" or "how do I set up an autoresponder?" or "how can I make money from my blog?"

Everyday there is a new question and today I want to share a simple and cost effective answer to those questions.

A while back, Kevin Riley, my fellow Japanese internet marketing buddy released the "Newbie Toolkits" which are easy newbie-friendly guides to getting everything you need for an internet business set up from scratch.

I bought them and loved them so much I bought the resale rights to them, which means I can pass them along to you at a discount price.

There are 6 newbie toolkits on total.
You can buy each one separately. Prices range from $4.95 to $6.95.

Or you can get a package deal on all 6 newbie toolkits for one low price of under $20.

Check them out here:

You actually save over 30% if you buy all 6!

Now you can finally stop sweating the technical stuff about website building and internet marketing.

Enjoy and if you still have a question, just hit me up. I'll be glad to hear from you.

Stuart Stirling


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