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Separating yourself from the crowd (who aren't making money)
Inspirational Quote Of The Day- "I've discovered
that the secret to suc.cess in life is to work
hard at the margin. Relentlessly. Those little
marginal extra efforts will inevitably grow into
something big."
- Ted Nicholas (successful veteran marketer)
=====Setting Yourself Apart From The Rest=====
The internet offers so many roads for money
making opportunities, it's a GATEWAY like no other.
It really is the perfect medium for anyone to
make some quick_cash with minimal start up costs.
Unfortunatley, many "net marketers" out here
abuse the benefits and capabilities of the
internet, concreting the stereotype of "making
money on the net is a SCAM!"
It's because of them, the "good guy" marketers
get lost in the sess pool, making it hard for
them to "stand above" the rest.
If you're trying to make a living online or
even just a few extra bucks, then it is essential
for your success to do things a little different.
Like the quote above, "work hard at the margin."
When you work hard at separating yourself from
the rest, it'll explode into something big.
Just consider these statistics.....
++ Over 1 million webpages are added to the
internet every day!
++ 98% of people trying to make money online
fail miserably and give up within 6 months!
So that means you have 2 choices.....
You join the 2% who have separated themselves
from the rest, or......
You go back to working for the "man".
Here are some policies that I live by that
help me be different from the rest.
** "Honesty is the best policy." This is true
in life and business.
** "Win-Win" is the only way to actually win.
** Over-delivering works like magic.
** An idea "outside the box" is worth it's
weight in gold.
** Hard work never killed anyone.
** You only get out what you put in.
Remember, if you do the same as everyone
else, you'll get the same result as everyine else.
Please take a few seconds to think about
these. Choose one and try to improve on it.
Greater success will soon follow.
Have a great weekend,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: internet marketing, marketing secrets, marketing skills
Finding and Profiting from Niche Markets - Niche Marketing Tips
I want to let you in on a little secret about
my future aspirations for making my living
online. I'm talking about tapping into "hot
niche" marketing. Yes...even "carpet cleaning"
is a hot niche!
======= The Money Lies in the Niche! ========
Believe it or not.....you and I are already niche
marketers. If you're trying to make money online,
then you're marketing to the "make money online"
niche. (I don't know about you but it took me a
little while to figure that one out:)
Now the "make money online" niche is a good place
to start because we all need to learn web marketing
skills and it provides a "earn as you learn"
The bad news is....the "make money online" niche
is very competetive. So competetive in fact, 95%
of entrepreneurs in this niche fall on their face
very quickly and give up....losing hope and a
chunk of savings behind at the same time.
It's every successful marketer's dark secret....
They have a "niche" that they have made into a
succeful business model. Something different to
the typical "make money online" niche.
Get this ==> "There is a millionaire made in every
interest/hobby that you can think of."
:: Sports eg. Tennis, Golf
:: Collecting stamps, records, postcards
:: Scrap booking
:: Gardening
:: Toys, robots, computer games,
:: Cars
...and even silly (but necessary) things like-
:: Bug spray, or,
:: Carpet Cleaning!
When you start to think "outside the box" of ways
to make money online, the choices are endless.
When I first started out as an online marketer,
I was very skeptical about marketing to a niche
group because I basically thought that other
niches besides the "make-money-online" niche
didn't have any mo.ney to spend. I'm beginning
to start thinking the opposite.
The best part about marketing to a niche, is that
you can follow YOUR passion. No matter what you're
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Money CAN and will be made in Niches!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It's just up to you to take action. Do a little
research. Find out how many people online are
searching for a particular product or search term
related to your niche.
Step 1. Research and Select
If you don't know about it yet, this keyword
selector tool is free to use and is essential
to determine and research potentially profitable
Overture's Free Keyword Selector Tool...
It will reveal the number of searches done in the
last 30 days in overture's search engine for any
keyword you type in. (You can double or triple that
number to get the the approx. figure for Google)
Step 2. Choose a product
Once you find a niche that sparks your interest and
seems to have a reasonable size audience, (at least
10,000 - 20,000 searches), you can start finding
products to market to them.
Look for affiliate programs/products that fit
your niche. Do a search on Google for something
like "bowling balls affiliate program" and you are
bound to find one or seven.
Or you can go to the ever popular www.clickbank.com
or www.commissionjunction.com and many products in
across a wide range of niches.
Step 3. Promote and profit
Then all that's left is to promote, generate traffic
and watch your bank fill up....however, that, my friend,
is a lesson for another day. Stay tuned!
Have a great day and hear from you soon,
Stuart Stirling
Web Marketer
PS= Discover how to make $86 - $622 from simple niche
marketing techniques. I recommend you take a look at this...
Labels: make money online, niche marketing, niche marketing tips, outside the box
Getting More Web Site Traffic and Monetizing Traffic Tips
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Great Quote:
"Happiness lies in the joy of achievementand the thrill of creative effort." - Franklin D. Roosevelt= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Hello Fellow Online Marketer,
How are you? Im doing well. I've decided to mix things
up a little bit around here.
If you're anything like me...you probably notice and
shrivle at the mountains of trashy emails that fill up
your inbox on a daily basis. I hate it! I can understand
why SPAM has become such a nuisance.
I had a refreshing time unsubscribing and saying
goodbye to a good handful of "newsletters" and
mailing lists from last week....even some highly
reknowned "gurus". I don't know how they became
gurus because they don't help me one bit while
they force sales pitch after sales pitch in my face.
Well, I (and I recommend you do too if you have
a subscriber base of any size) REFUSE to be
like the rest of them that just hard sell time after
time. They don't care about you, only your money.
I want to offer you great information and freebies
that you can actually use eg. learn from and/or make
money with.
So here is a topic that you need to be aware of and
start working on to start making real money online....
Getting More TRAFFIC! ==========
I got my hands on a great little free report about the
science of internet marketing about a week ago. I
was surpirsed that this marketer's "scientific" method
was focussed entirely around web site traffic.
He summed the whole formula up in a four simple words.
"Monetizing + Web + Site + Traffic"
That's it. I just revealed the WHOLE secret behind every
successful online marketer. That's how to make-money
online. Direct targeted visitors to a web site and make
them take action that results in a benefit for both you
and your visitor/prospect.
The point I'm trying to make here is that no matter what
you are doing online, it MUST be centered around
monetizing traffic. The worst thing you can do is to
let your hard earned visitors go without doing anything.
So how can you monetize your traffic?
Here are the best ways to monetize your traffic.....
:: Have content sites with
- adsense ads running
- banner ads pointing to your affiliate links
- articles and reviews with affiliate links
:: Have a squeeze page
- capture names and emails
- build a trusting relationship
- contact later at anytime with offers
:: Direct straight to a sales/sign-up page
- your own product or an affiliate product
- get sign ups under you in your favorite
No matter what method you choose to monetize your
traffic, I recommend that you make it clear what your
purpose is. For example, don't have 10 banners and
5 different products and 20 different links.
You want to make the decision easy for your visitor.
This is one of my favorite online marketing sayings...
"The confused mind always says no"
Make it simple and you'll see good results. Then repeat
the process. It will pay off far more to have 10 different
websites with one focus than to have one website with
10 different choices.
That's all the news for today. Have a great one!
Stuart Stirling
Web Marketer
Labels: build a list, make money, monetize web site traffic, traffic secrets
I hate internet marketing gurus - They can take a long drive off a short pier
Wow...what a breath of fresh air! I have just
removed myself from over a dozen email lists.
I had had it up to here with waking up every
morning to face the constant flow of crap being
forced into my inbox and down my throat from the
so called 'internt gurus' (the majority self
proclaimed) promoting every new waste of time,
seen it a million times before "look at how I got
rich" ebook or software. Talk about no imagination.
I've been counting. I usually get anywhere from
150-200 new emails every day. For the last week,
I can seriously count on one hand the number of
emails that either provided me with helpful content
or alerted me of a website I could actually use
to help my business expand. To all the others,
they are now one subscriber shorter.
Honestly, I hate selling. I hate the fact that
marketers try to wrap you around their slimey
little fingers to get you to waste your money
on utter rubbish. What is their motive? It's
fairly obvious really...they just want your money!
I can't say that I've never promoted something
without a similar intent to SELL. However, now
I refuse to be like the herd and go for the hard
sell over and over again. I hate the fact that
internet marketers hide behind their computers
and abuse thier priveleges to contact their
subscribers in such a relentless way.
I can understand now why SPAM has become such a
serious problem and how there can be a point
where it's just TOO MUCH. When spam becomes too
much, never a day goes by without despising the
person who sent you this piece of time wasting
If the gurus think they are helping by sending out
daily the latest thing to "make you rich", they are
just like every other person on the internet trying
to get a sale. The only difference is that they have
a name as a "great marketer".
The only difference is that they apply more tact to
their marketing so they get people to actually sign
up directly to recieve their spam. They disguise it
with a free report or membership that will help you
"become the next success like them". Seriously...
look through all the garbage and see it for what it
really is....just a way for them to feed you with
crap and empty your wallets.
Labels: gurus, hate, internet, marketing, newbies, unsubscribe
7 Quick and Easy Tips to get you MOTIVATED!
Ever wake up and just feel like doing nothing?
Being your own boss working online requires a lot of motivation...not to mention discipline.
If you find yourself slacking off, watching videos or checking stats all day, these tips might help you.
1) Talk to friends that are always cheerful and motivated. Ask them how they do it. Soon you'll
soak up that energy and become like them.
2) Set mini goals and reward yourself for them. Say to yourself, "If I write 2 more paragraphs,
I can spend 10 minutes looking through ebay."
3) Write your own schedule down for the entire week. Just like a real world job, write your start time, lunch time and finish time. Then write down your daily tasks. Finally, stick to it!
4) Keep the TV or radio off. Turn your chat programs and cell phone off. The fewer distractions the better.
5) Read some motivational or inspiring quotes/literature. Pull your favourite success book off the shelf or listen to some motivational audios.
6) Just DO it! If you just get stuck into it, you'll find that it isn't as bad as you made it out to be. Plow through it like there's no tomorrow.
7) Participate in an online contest that is related to your niche or marketing. eg. Affiliate contests are often put on and the winner each month gets a reward. Nothing like a fat paycheck at the end to make you move.
I hope these help you to make some necessary adjustments in your online endeavours.
Stuart StirlingPS- Have a quick look at this and see if it doesn't get you motivated even more. It works for me!
http://www.startmyebiz.com/mustsee/aotm.htmlLabels: concentrate, free tips, get motivated, motivation
Hot to build an opt-in subscriber list fast!
The money is in the list. Without a list you're going to struggle to grow your business and your paycheck. Here are 4 list building tips I have used to generate more subscribers (and a secret for each)-
1) Join a giveaway! Contribute a gift you can give away for free (downloadable product is best) and when someone wants your product, they have to sign up for it giving you their name and email.
The secrets to giveaways is giving away something that's original and something that will appeal to a wide audience. Old resale rights products don't work!
2) Squeeze pages! Also known as a splash page. A short web page enticing visitors to sign up
for a free report or free newsletter subscription.
The secret with a squeeze page is to make it a no-brainer for visitors to sign up. Offer something
of value and put that in dollars on your squeeze page!
Eg. "5 Day List Building eCourse! A $67 Value! Yours Free Today!"
Make it easy on the eyes to read and see exactly what they're getting. No long boring essay.
3) Pop Ups - In all the different versions you can find (slide ins, drop ins, pop under, exit pop)
Offer something free in the pop up to capture names and email addresses.
The secret to pop-ups is not to make it too big and distracting. If it blocks the headline, your
visitor will be irritated and will click on the dreaded X faster than you can say "Adios Amigo".
4) Free List Building Membership Sites. These are web based sites so you don't need a website
and you don't need an expensive autoresponder. You can build your list for free! Great isn't it?
The secret here is simply finding the good ones and signing up for a free account. The best ones
have a large number of subscribers and ones with special features like "bonus downline members" etc.
If you haven't got your f.ree memberships to these two sites yet, sign up today. It'll only take a
minute and it's free.
Your Lucky List-
http://www.startmyebiz.com/mustsee/luckylist.htmlThe List Machine-
http://www.startmyebiz.com/mustsee/listmachine.htmlHighly recommended. The bonuses available are second to none.
I hope these tips help you grow your list and online business.
Have a great day!
To your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: free list building tips, opt-in list, the list machine, your lucky list