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Monday, October 06, 2008

How to Get Free Website Traffic - The Mystery Revealed

Today's quick 5 minute lesson is on getting free traffic to your site or blog.

Let me start by saying one thing...


What ever your offer is, you MUST get people who are INTERESTED in it to see it.

Otherwise, you're wasting your time and maybe even money.

Let's compare these 2 living examples are...


Meet Bob. He has a "gardening" niche site with Adsense ads displayed. He figures if he can just get some quick HITS to his website, people will click on the Ads and he can make a few
cents per click.

He goes searching and finds a bunch of traffic exchanges and viral downline builder sites.... He even buys a few thousand "HITS" and thinks "Wow, cheap easy traffic!".

But, he is left scratching his head when his HIT count is high but his Adsense account shows a fat $0.


Meet Kate. Kate too has a "gardening" website that has Adsense ads. She first thinks "I want to send traffic that will want to click my Ads".

Then she thinks about all the places she knows where people interested in gardening may be spending time online.

She searches the web for forums dedicated to gardening. She logs onto Facebook and joins some gardening groups.

Next she makes a few quick videos and uploads them to Youtube and other video sites.

She ventures out and does some BUM article marketing (keyword research x article submission).

She is very pleased when she checks her Adsense account and sees $50 earned for the month in spite of the visitor count being low.


So what's the difference between Bob and Kate?

I think you can see the difference.

Sure Kate had to do a little thinking and maybe it took a little while longer for the traffic to come than Bob.

But Bob's traffic was here today gone tomorrow and did him NO benefit.

Kate's traffic will continue to come as long as the forums, videos and articles remain live.



Where to get free traffic?

Make Money Niche:

** Your List
** Ezine/Email Advertising
** Viral Ebooks
** JV Giveaways
** JV Ad swaps
** Traffic Exchanges
** Viral downline builders
** Forums
** Blogging

Gardening and "other" Niches:

** Your List
** Forums
** Social Networks
** Articles
** Video
** Viral Ebooks
** Ezines

NOTE: Notice how "Your List" is the number one method?

Stu Sensei will be teaching "How to build a list" next week :)

Thanks for reading,
Stu "Sensei" Stirling


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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Internet Marketers Visit Japan For James Brown's Wedding

September 28th was the official wedding celebration for Internet marketing veteran James Brown and Japanese wife Mari Wakamatsu.

James first settled in Japan in early 2007 in Fukushima prefecture where their remarkable wedding party was held, Snowshill reception hall to be exact, in the outskirts of Fukushima with some special Internet marketer guests coming from other parts of Japan and even from around the world!
Guests names who attended that you might recognize are Frank Bauer (Sydney, Australia), Edmund Loh (Malaysia), James B. Allen (Chiba, Japan), Fidens Felix (Nagoya, Japan) and yours truly Stuart Stirling (Fukushima, Japan).

In total we had 3 days to spend getting to know eachother and share some insights to internet marketing and business. We travelled into the mountains and enjoyed some famous tourist sites in the glorious Fall weather such as Goshiki numa and Takayu waterfall.

Hats off to Mari and James for organizing not only a very nice day for the wedding but for organizing some time for an small internet marketers retreat to further outr business contacts and get some bigger ideas!

I'm sure there will be more opportunities like this for some local and international IM'ers to gather in Japan. Hopefully, I'll be seeing you there too!

Stuart Stirling

ps. All the best for James and Mari as they enjoy life together as a married couple!

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