Looking back on 2008: What was good? What could have been better?
The year of 2008 is almost over. Maybe it's the old saying that the years go by faster as you get older but this year came to a lightning fast end!First, I want to say thank you for your support, whether you're a subscriber or customer or passer by.
It's because of people like you that I have been able to make a living online doing something I really enjoy. Without YOU, it wouldn't be possible. I really appreciate you.
2008 in Review
Positive thinking is the way to go so I want to say that this year was productive. I can say I got some very good work done to help others and in turn build my business.
This year was profitable for me. I'm still not a millionaire (very far from it actually)...but I saw my income grow by around 50%.
It was this sudden increase in income that made me start to feel complacent and when that happens, it's hard to knuckle down and work.
Some highlighting events that shaped 2008 for me and my business.
January - Launched "the Next Internet Disaster" report - www.NextInternetDisaster.comSo some major product launches and events happened this year that brought about good results for everyone.
March - Started working side by side with James Brown - www.StartMyTraffic.com
May - Launched "Newbie Cash Secrets" report and videos - www.NewbieCashSecrets.com
July - Returned to Australia for a little 12 day "business trip" holiday
August - Launched "Turn Key Cash Kits" membership site - www.TurnKeyCashKits.com
September - James Brown got married in Fukushima and we got to spend time with other marketers from around the globe such as James B. Allen, Frank Bauer, Edmund Loh and Fidens Felix.
September - Launched "Bling Copywriting" as a way to provide copy and ad writing tips and offer my copywriting services - www.BlingCopywriting.com
Jun - Dec - Participated in several list building JV email ad swaps with other marketers.
What could I have done better?
With a lot of good things that happened, there are still a million thing I wish I would have done better.
- I wish I had created and released more products (and not just the "i.m." or "make money online" niche)
- I wish I contacted and made more JV partners.
- I wish I outsourced more work - e.g. article content, link building,
- I wish I used my time more effectively.
- I wish I would have had more concrete goals and focussed harder.
Was my year perfect? No. But that's no reason to get negative. I can use the weak points I just made into strenghts! As stepping stones to see where I went wrong and not make the same mistakes next year.
The only loser is the one who quits, and even though I may slow down, I'm not going to quit.
Expect a LOT of good and better things from me in 2009!

Stuart Stirling
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Labels: copywriting-service, internet-business-tips, internet-marketing-tips, product-launch