New List Bandit - Building a list FAST with free list bandit
A new major list building site has just been released called "
List Bandit" and it's must if you want to start building your list quickly and automatically.
Click here for your==>
List Bandit Membership
This system is so powerful that it actually builds three profitable lists at the same time. The viral effect is out of this world!
If you're not familiar with this type of system, you get to email to your own "list" or downline
from the website itself (people you refer).
You don't need your own web site or auto-responder!
And the coolest part about List Bandit is this... The Bonus Prospect Matrix. Simply put, they shuffle the members around so you can send your email to thousands of prospects at once! One day you may have 20 in your matrix, the next day you may have 2000. This makes it great even if you don't have a big list or no list at all
The cost: $0
But wait just a second. I should tell you now that there is an upgrade option. It's pretty hefty but
with my experience,
the upgrade is 100% worth it. In fact, upgrading is the only way to see good results from these types of systems.
The main thing about the upgrade is that you get 1500 members in your downline instantly! No refering and no waiting. Plus you get to mail them all 3 times per week! That's 4500 targeted prospects seeing your email every week. It doesn't get much better than that. Or does it...
Actually, another reson to upgrade is that ONLY upgraded members can receive commissions when their direct referals choose to upgrade. So, if you're not upgraded and your referal upgrades, "So-long to a nice fat commission...." :(
The upgrade is necessary if you want maximum leverage from the system. It's a one time payment and not a monthly payment so it's not going to hurt too much.....If you play your cards right, the membership will pay for itself in now time...through referals and your onw promotions through the system.
And lastly, I need to mention another feature in
List Bandit. You get access to their downline builders in other programs such as GDI, TheListMachine and Kiosk web hosting. You simply personalise it with your referal links and your downline potentially signs up under you, putting cash in your bank.
List Bandit is actually a complete system that you can make very sizeable profits from in more ways than one. It's much more than just a list builder.
Truly, List Bandit is the perfect place for the "list-less" getting started or anyone who wants to
add extra firepower to their business.
There's plenty more info on the web site, I just told you the best I could. I recommend you go see it and sign up for your membership or upgraded.
To your massive list,
Stuart StirlingPS - The sooner you get in, the higher spot you'll be placed in with in the system. Every second counts so go grab your List Bandit membership now!
Click Here==> free list building tips, list bandit, list building
Instant Cash Payouts has arrived!!
My latest release
"Instant Cash payouts" is finally out! It was a long time coming but I wanted it to make it super good...just take a look at the bonuses and you'll see the extreme value I've loaded this offer with.
Here's a sneak preview of the sales page....
Making cash quickly and easily on the internet has just become even easier....
"Find Your Inbox Stuffed With Cash And Paying Subscribers By Creating And Launching Your Very Own Earth Shattering eBooks In Less Than 7 Days!"
UNCOVERED: Secrets To Giving Info Hungry Internet Surfers What They Want While You Claim A Healthy Bank Balance Without Half A Lifetime Of Experience Or A Huge Budget! Learn How To Profit From Your Own In-Demand eBooks Leaving All Others Eating Your Dust!

Instant Cash Payouts is a step-by-step guide to creating and launching your very own eBook and/or Info-product on the internet for Business and Lifestyle Instant Cash Payouts! The name comes from the nature of digital info-products. Everyday I receive payments from paypal and other sources including clickbank...I love seeing them. they are completely automated and instant!
Having "Instant Cash Payouts" eBook in your artilary is going to catapult you and your earnings to the next level if you....- Are looking for an easy way to jump into the Internet Marketing scene with a splash and make some quick easy cash!
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- Are working on ideas for your own (very first or next publication) $7 eBook and want to make sure it's a smash hit before launch day!
Give yourself and your business the break it deserves and discover the easy way to creating your own online empire with eBooks and info-products....
This is my 4th Ebook release in as many months so you can rest assured I know what I'm talking about. Download your copy today. For a tiny investment of $7 you will have in your hands the exact system I am using to create THOUSANDS of dollars with info-products.
Grab your copy of Instant Cash Payouts now!
PS- I've left it off the sales page, but you can make 100% commissions as an affiliate for every sale you make paid INSTANTLY and directly to you!
Labels: ebook creation, instant cash payouts, stuart stirling
Increase Your Email Marketing Response With 4 Effortless Tips - From open rates to click throughs
Did you know that the average open rate for
marketing emails these days is under 30%?
Is the main reason that people are becoming
desensitized to email marketing? Is the strength
of email as a direct marketing tool starting to
wear off? Unfortunately, I'd have to say yes.
What does this mean for marketers like you and I?
Well, we have two choices either find some other
form of vehicle to present our direct offers
or get street wise on the email marketing scene.
I hope you stick with me in the battle for "read emails"!
For myself, so many emails come in everyday. Sadly
for the sender, 99% of them see the trash box faster
than you can say "Better luck next time."
To cut to the chase, here are some ways to get
your email open, read and make the reader take
1. Become a trusted sender. You open and read your
friends' emails don't you? It's because they know
you. It's the same with marketing. That's why it's
essential to build a personal list of opt-in
subscribers and build a relationship. Show them
you know what you're talking about and offer helpful
2. An "Extraordinarily Inquisitive" subject line.
Spammy looking subject lines are getting trashed
like there's no tomorrow. Avoid ALL CAPS. Study
and mimic the way successful marketers structure
their subject lines. Yours should be informative,
motivating and list benefits.
eg. A good subject line:
"Breakthrough Medicine Relieves Anxiety Instantly"
A not so good (instant spam box) subject line:
I'll let you study and compare these two to find
why the top one would be better.
3. The lay out of the email body. Are your
emails layed out in a "hard to read" fashion?
Or are they just plain boring? Use a return
after 60 or so spaces. Use paragraphs. Use
simple language. Use some special symbols
>>>>>>>>> To Grab Attention! <<<<<<<<<<<<
Always sign off with a PS at the end. Your PS
should contain a powerful summary of your offer
and your url. People are too lazy to scroll back
up to the url so have it at the end.
4. Test different times of the day for best
response. I find mailing first thing in the morning
(EST) is very responsive. Others find that around
lunch time is good too. I wouldn't recommend
mailing out in the middle of the night (12-4am EST).
Not too many people are online in the USA (the
biggest market is in the US) at that obscure hour.
Labels: email marketing, increase email open rates, increase email response rate