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Newbie Cash Secrets - When I was a newbie...
Why is it that there are an ever increasing number of newbies on the internet?
I guess it's because "making money on the internet" is so dang attractive that everyone wants to do it!
And I can't blame them, because that's exactly what strung me in.
The MONEY!But like everyone who starts out with dreams and hopes of making it big online, I had to go through a pretty tough learning curve.
Or so I thought at the time...
However, looking back it wasn't so hard...I mean compared to some of the disaster stories I've heard, I had it pretty easy.
The BIG difference was...
The RIGHT information were in front of me.I had the best of the best knowledge on "
how to make money on the internet" at my fingers.
It was learning all I could and piecing it all together and slowly but surely...
I got my first website up.. I got my first blog up... I got my first subscribers... I made my first sale!!I knew I could do it and I did. Ever since then, I have been using that formula over and over and get the same results.
Now it's your turn to get started with the same info I had at my disposal when I was a struggling newbie.
Newbie Cash SecretsThere is over 60 pages of newbie friendly tips and advice to helo you start marketing like a PRO in no time.
Let me know what you think!
Stuart Stirling
ps. You can make 100% commissions with this, my new ebook so you can make your investment back with just 1 sale.
Newbie Cash Secrets
Labels: how-to-make-money-online, newbie-cash-secrets, newbie-internet-marketing
Are you making these mistakes with your article marketing?
We all write and submit articles in effort to get more traffic. If you don't write articles, you should! Download my free article marketing ebook called Newbie Article Secrets report here.
Anyway, below is an article that was sent to my email from a publisher at www.Ezinearticles.com
the premier article directory on the web.
Read it and apply it. If you are making some of these silly mistakes, fix them now.
----------------- START of ARTICLE ------------------
First, a definition: Your "Landing Page" is where the URL in your Resource Box goes to. It's either to your home page or deep within your site.
There's some expert author behavior that I just don't understand and I thought I'd take a moment to point out what they are doing to help everyone see what 'not to do'.
Example #1 I'm reading an article on Forex (currency trading) and the link in the resource box goes to a lean abs secrets product. WTH? (What The Heck!)
What they should do instead: Only include links in your Resource Box to niche-related content. Changing niche topics on your reader BREAKS TRUST instantly.
Example #2 I'm reading an article on the benefits of hot yoga and the link in the resource box goes to a deep link of the exact same article on the authors website. WTH? Why would I as a user/reader want to go to re-read the article I just read. This makes no sense and now I don't trust the writer to be an expert of any kind... especially article marketing.
What they should do instead: Never link to a copy of the article you just shared with your reader. Instead, funnel that reader into your site to find more content or products/services related to your expertise.
Example #3 I'm reading an article on DJ'ing and as I click on the resource box links -- I'm taken to a page that is in Japanese. WTH? If I'm reading an English article, I expect to find an English website when I click on any Resource Box link.
What they should do instead: The author should only send their readers to English versions of their website if they are going to write articles in English.
More things to avoid when choosing which
URL of yours to include in your Resource Box:
- Sending your article readers to a squeeze page with no other content or outbound links on the page is rude. Instead, send them to a content rich website of unique content and have a sign up form for them to join your list.
- Sending your article readers to a one page site with a few sentences of content than a big blue link saying to click me for whatever affiliate products they are pitching. No trust is built by this bummer of an approach.
- Sending your article readers to a page that has 90% ads and 10% content or any MFA (Made For AdSense) templated site. This type of site again builds no trust with the reader and wastes your hard work in writing quality original articles to attract valuable traffic.
Do you see the theme I'm trying to help you with here? Use your landing page URL to continue the trust building that you started with by offering your prospect universe your quality article content.
----------------- END of ARTICLE ------------------
I hope you see that it really comes down to common sense. I don't know if I agree that sending them to a squeeze page is rude. People will gladly opt-in for information they are searching for.
Follow your instincts and write quality articles that lead your readers to your site that keeps them interested and learning more.
To your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: article-marketing-tips, article-traffic, article-writing-tips
Get Ready for FirePow!
I had the privilege of meeting Andrew Hansen when he visited Fukushima Japan last summer. It was a great experience to meet him and pick his brains about his marketing techniques etc.
It wasn't too long before I discovered that he had been quietly making a killing on the internet in his short career.
His secret weapon: blogging.Fast forward to now and Andrew Hansen's new
Firepow blogging software is nearing release into the market. It's been a long time in the works but the anticipation for Firepow's release is mounting.
In case you have no idea what Firepow is, here's my best description of it in a nutshell....
"Take Wordpress' already smokin' plug in blogging platform and Full-Tune it with plug-ins and features that will allow you to absolutely dominate the search engines and hence dominate your niche at the push of a button."
You are entitled to your opinion if you feel this sounds like hype. But before you do something stupid and blow this off, you must realise that Andrew and his team of experts have been developing Firepow for over 6 months and they're determined to make this live up to his promises.
FirePow will no doubt be a SMASH HIT!
Dominate The Search Engines - Dominate Any Niche - Get Hoards of Traffic - Create Viral Buzz - Make Ridiculous Sums of Money - Push Button AutomationI have personally seen and used Andrew Hansen's products before. I have not been disappointed with one yet.
Get ready to be blown away with the release of Firepow. Once it is revealed to the public, you will no doubt be seeing an in-depth
FirePow review coming from me.
See you then,
Labels: firepow, firepow-revealed, firepow-review
Branding with Moments - Very Cool Article
This is an email I got from Dan "the man" Lok just now. Great info all marketers or business people should learn from and put into practice.
"Dan, what makes a powerful brand?" my protégé Jonathan asked.
"A powerful brand delivers moments." I said.
"What are moments?"
"You see, human beings don't remember days. Days are not memorable. We remember moments," I said. "Remember your first kiss? Remember your first car? Remember the moment
when your child was born? Those are special moments we never forget."
"So we have to deliver unique experiences to our customers?"
"Yes, but it's MORE than that. A powerful brand delivers moments... moments that we want to re-live again and again." I explained to Jonathan. "You have to understand most people lead lives of quiet desperation. People are bored out of their minds."
"So if we can deliver moments, they'll want to do business with us again and again?"
"That's right. And why do you think celebrities and athletes get paid so much money... Because they're famous? No. Because they entertain us? That's part of it. Because they deliver moments to us. They deliver excitement to us. The amaze us. They startle us. They move us. They make us
cry. They make us laugh. They make us think. Most importantly, they make us dream."
"I actually never thought of it that way."
"People will spend their last nickel to have fun."
"That's so true."
"So if you really think about it... you're not selling a product... you're not selling a service. Ultimately, what we're all selling is good feelings."
"Good feelings?"
"We buy the new car because it makes us feel good. We buy the ice cream because it makes us feel good. We go on vacations because it makes us.."
"Feel good!"
"You got it," I concluded.
Dan "The Man" Lok
Read more from Dan Lok at his website.
Hope this helps you learn the importance of branding while we are selling. Feel free to leave your comments or thoughts.
Stuart Stirling
Labels: branding-with-moments, dan-lok-article
4 Simple Step Cash System - Free Ebook Download
While everyone is busy trying to sell you something that you most probably don't need, I want to let you download my brand new report at no cost.
Free Download - 4 Step Cash System (direct download link - no strings)I was planning to sell it for the usual $5 or so but then I thought I'd save you some spare change you could put towards YOUR business and not someone elses.
It's pretty short but tells you all you need to know to get your OWN cash making system up and going.
Free Download - 4 Step Cash System (direct download link - no strings)Feel free to leave your comments or questions below.
Stuart Stirling
Always looking out for NO.1...YOU!
Labels: free-ebook-download, make-money-the-easy-way, simple-cash-system
Internet Home Business Forum
Are you looking to start or are you already running your own
internet home business?
Here's how you can find help with making your home internet business successful with the help of other experts through participation in a free
online business forum.
Internet forums or discussion boards are an awesome resource to learn and share knowledge and ideas on a topic with many people with a common interest.

Forums are also an excellent place to meet others. This is extremely powerful if it's a business type forum because those new friends you meet can become business partners who can help you grow your business.
James Brown and I Stuart Stirling, have created a new online forum website specially targeted to those running or planning to start an
Internet Home Business.
You can find it at
www.IHBforum.comOf course, it's absolutely free to join and participate in all the areas of the forum there and encourage you to introduce yourself by first posting in the Introductions thread.
Our new
home business forum will provide you an invaluable resource for now and for many years to come.
Forums, like most things in life and business, help you more, the more you use them.Ask questions, reply to posts, meet people, establish yourself as a nice person and an expert home business owner and watch your home internet business grow!
As always, to your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: home-business-forum, internet-business-forum, internet-home-business-forum
Golden Week Giveaway Ending Soon!
After a great sunny Golden Week holiday here in Japan,
Golden Week Giveaway is shortly coming to a close.
It was scheduled to close yesterday, May 5th, but due to popular demand, access to the free gifts downloads has been extended for 3 more days.
So if you haven't accessed all the
free downloads yet, you need to move quickly because they will be disappearing soon.
Some great gifts to look out for include
James Brown's Personal Internet Coaching (currently in No.1 position),
James B. Allen's Affiliate Cash Kit on Anxiety (currently in No.14 position) and
Dee Ferdinand's 5 Traits for Success ebook (currently in No.15 position).
Of course my gift,
Affiliate Money Secret, is up there in position No.5 and you're more than welcome to grab it.
Get over to
Golden Week Giveaway now and enjoy the free gifts while they last or you'll have to wait until next year.
Stuart Stirling
Labels: golden-week-giveaway, jv-giveaways