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How to Piss Off And Lose A Customer
Today at a major electrical appliance store in my local city, I was minding my own business looking for a small item I needed.
After a few minutes of browsing, an "on his way to retirement" store clerk came up to me and asked me what I was looking for. I answered him so he had a flip through the catalogue and swiftly told me that he didn't have "the right" one in stock.
That was fine, however, there WAS an item that I'm 100% sure would have done the job for what I wanted it to do. I told him that but
on his high horse, told me that I was wrong and I should not bother and basically to hit the road!I could have stayed there and argued but I am not the arguing type and there are a dozen other shops where I could find what I need peacefully.
The BIG mistake he made was -
he forgot the CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!People love to be right. A friend and great marketer Craig Desorcy told me that in a conversation just earlier this week. People love to be right and in a customers shoes, being right is very important.
When we are told me are wrong, we get offended and offended people don't buy anything!===============================
What about when the customer is wrong?
What this store clerk didn't do, even if I was wrong, was
he didn't offer anything else that could help me solve my problem. He didn't suggest another item or didn't offer to order the item in and invite me to come back in a few days.
So to apply this to online marketing, the points to remember are:
don't offend customers, when the customer comes to you with incorrect data, kindly explain the problem and offer other ways they can solve their problems.It just reminds me that customer service goes a long way - it's the glue that holds the business together. Take it away and the business will surely collapse.
Thanks for reading!
Stuart Stirling
Labels: customer-service-advice, how-to-lose-customers, online-business-tips
Online Biz Failing? 7 Reasons Why You Never See A Buck...
Hi readers and visitors,
Even if you think you're a failure, and don't have a hope in the world to make_money online, this message might just turn you around and put you in high spirits.
See if you can relate to any of these common reasons why people fail in their internet business....
1) Information Overload - You are trying to learn everything at once and you are paralyzed. You can't put any of the info together and it's frustrating you.
2) You don't know the Fundamentals of Business - You don't know what it takes to SELL something. If you can't sell off-line, then it will be hard to sell online.
3) You don't have the technical "Know-How" to put together a website - FTP, HTML, PDF, Domain Names, Affiliate Marketing. It's all Greek to you!?
4) You're trying to go at everything by yourself - You don't have any contacts in this business and you are afraid to ask and you don't know who to ask for help.
5) Low Commitment Level - You don't think seriously about your business. You procrastinate. You don't take the steps to turn your business around because you're not committed enough to succeed.
6) You're Afraid of Success - With success comes power, with power comes responsibility. Many of us don't like responsibility. We don't want things to become big because it will be too hard to keep under control.
7) You're Afraid to Lose Money - It costs money to run an internet business. It's easy to lose that money. But what you need to know is that money makes money. Leverage your money in wise investments or assets to bring you more in return.
So which one is your big one?
All of them? I hope not....lol
Believe it or not, you are not the only one who is having a hard time trying to earn a little extra cash on the internet.
The fact is, more than 9 out of 10 people never make a single penny, and the average time they try is 6 months!
What to do next?===========================
But guess what? There is hope for you to start seeing success, right now!
Starting right now, I want you to put your finger on one of the seven reasons I wrote about above.
Then starting right now,
THINK of how you can overcome it.
And then DO IT!I'm not going to tell you how you can overcome all of them, because thinking of a solution yourself is good for you.
And I definitely can't stand there next to you with a match under your butt to get you to take action. You have be proactive and do it yourself.
Once you have thought of a solution and start to overcome your barriers, you will feel hope. And hope is what we need to get through each day with a smile on our face.
Eventually, our hope will lead us to success. More success than our wildest dreams - whatever they may be.
Remember, THINK and DO. The recipe for success.The ball's in your court.
All the best,
Stuart Stirling
ps. Find more inspirational online business lessons in my short report:
Labels: how-to-build-a-successful-online-business, make-money-online, online-business-tips, recipe-for-success
100 Percent Commissions is Back!
My cool Info product catalogue type website at
www.InfoSteals.com had a break for about 4 months...no new products added, no new edits to the current products.
The cool thing however, was that
it still generated me sales on auto-pilot thanks to my auto-responder and affiliates out there pumping it out to the masses!
Well, I'm pleased to say that it's back! A new product is loaded up and it's a fantastic one at that.
Latest Product Name: Sales Funnel VideosOf course, it's a bargain price and affiliates make 100% commission on the low end and 50% on the high end of the sale.
Always high quality, always high converting. Check it out and make some easy instant commissions today.
www.InfoSteals.comTo your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: 100-commision-affiliate-program, cheap-ebooks, high-converting-affiliate-programs, sales-funnel-videos
How to "Really" Make a Video Go Viral
People and marketers put the term "Viral Video" on the latest video marketing craze and video search marketing....whatever you want to call it.
But are regular videos you upload to Youtube really viral videos?
The fact that the embed code can be used to put that video on any webpage offers the opportunity for it to be shared and go viral, but usually it stops with one or two rounds of sharing.
Now if you can
add more incentive to make others want to share the video, it will take off and become a viral marketing weapon.
Here's a perfect example of a viral video.This is done by "Uncle Sal" - Harris Fellman's loser brother...joking. "Forgeddaboudit!!"
But look very closely at what he is doing here. Study it.
the video is hilarious and on a popular topic.
Second, he is making his video
Third, he's making it
easy to share.
He's made it possible for anyone to rebrand it with their name, their friend's name , clickbank ID (because he is promoting a product with this video) and using a contact import feature so you can send your cool "personalized" video to all of your friends with ease.
The video is an absolute crack up -- and that's the key. Sure it might have worked if he was revealing some breakthrough marketing info, but I doubt it would have had the same impact.
After watching it, you really feel like you want to share it because that's just human nature. We want to make others laugh. Sharing funny things is the best way to show your friends you care. (does that sound corny?)
In the past few years on the Internet, rarely have I seen something as cool, from a marketing perspective, as this.
This could even be the best viral marketing campaign I have ever seen online.Good job Sal, I love your hair-do. I hope this is super profitable for you and your goons.
Stuart Stirling
Labels: harris-fellman, uncle-sal-video, viral-video-marketing, whack-the-recesssion
Who can you trust online?
Its sad, but true, almost everyday I get an email or two telling me, how somebody was scammed into buying something. Now, nobody "held a gun" to their head and forced them to buy it. However, many jumped in without really doing their homework or thinking very carefully about the purchase they made, BEFORE they made it.
Please read this message carefully. I know many of you are in tight circumstances & almost willing to do anything to succeed. Don't let this enthusiasm blind you. Think carefully about every purchase you make.
In the world of Internet marketing, there are a lot of unethical money-hungry scam artists preying on those who are ignorant about the industry. They know you're new, and they know you won't realize you've been suckered until it's too late.
So how does a newcomer to Internet marketing safeguard his or her pockets from the greedy, self-indulgent scams of an unscrupulous marketer? First, you want to do a it of background research.
If you land on a page where someone has recommended a course or tool that you feel will help accelerate your Internet marketing earnings, don't buy on impulse. You might regret it later and have to ask for a refund, or suck up the cost if no guarantee is offered.
Google can be your friend here. Type that marketer's name into the search engines and see if there are any scam details. But beware! One of the most common affiliate pre-pitches is to promote a product by using the scam approach initially and then building the product up with the detailed review.
You may see about 5 page's worth of links if you type in [marketer's name] and scam, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're real scam accounts. Always read the pages with care.
You also need to know that practically every marketer has a disgruntled customer. Some people get angry if their download link doesn't work and they don't get a response within 30 minutes. Others intentionally try to sabotage the competition by posting poor reviews online.
You should be able to find as much positive information (in the form of praise) as you do bad reviews. If not, it might be best to steer clear of that marketer since no one credible can endorse him (or her).
Never rely on their own claims (even screenshots of earnings can be manipulated). And if you find them in a forum, don't think that just because they have the highest post count, it means they're the best marketer.
Get personal recommendations from other marketers. If you want to find out who has the best affiliate marketing guide, ask in a forum and find out. Or, take the recommendation of a marketer you already trust, because if they provide you with a poor product recommendation, it tarnishes their own reputation, too.
If you want to learn more about me, then check out my personal web site at: www.StuartStirling.name
I'm approachable and I'm not afraid to spend time responding to people in need of help.
Stuart Stirling
Labels: internet-marketing-scam, online-business-ethics