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Turn-Key Cash Kits Makes it Easier to Earn Online
I have just finished the core of my first membership website over at
www.TurnKeyCashKits.com and you're invited to join today for free!
Here is how my free
Turn-Key Cash Kits can make you money online....
- You can build a list of targeted leads with a free website
- You can giveaway a free ebook with YOUR affiliate links embedded
- You can follow-up your subscribers on YOUR auto-responder to make more sales
- And the best part is, it doesn't cost you a single penny to get started!
simple 3 step system has been used over and over by the top internet marketers for decades to make money online and now it's within your grasp.
Usually, ready-made
"re-brandable" business-in-a-box complete with all the tools you need to start making money with like this would cost you top dollar....but for now it's free.
All the hard work for you is done - just sign up, download and plug-in my Cash Kits which YOU profit from.
If you're slow, you could get one set up in 1 day...if you're a fast mover, you could have your turn-key sales machine set in a an hour!
Right now, I'm offering
free lifetime membership to
Turn-Key Cash Kits to everyone who's interested in making some quick 'n easy affiliate cash.
But, I don't know how long I'll leave it free for. As more and more Cash Kits get added and the site grows, I may start charging for membership.
Get in now while it's free! Join here now...To your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: affiliate-silver-bullet, free-business-in-a-box, free-rebrandable-ebooks, free-website-traffic, turn-key-cash-kits
How to Use Free Traffic Exchanges For Instant Website Traffic
Free Traffic Exchanges or TE's as they are sometimes referred to as, provide website owners with an effective method to drive targeted traffic rather effortlessly and for little or no cost.
Traffic exchanges aren't a new concept for online web promotion but still are easy way to promote your website or affiliate links for free and start driving traffic instantly.
How do Traffic Exchanges Work?
Traffic exchanges are a simple concept of “I’ll look at your website if you look at mine.” It works on a credit system. The more websites you “surf”, the more credits you earn.
The more credits you earn, the more times your website will be displayed to others who are surfing.
Traditionally, traffic exchanges are aimed at the “make money” type of crowd.
If you try to promote anything else, although you’ll get hits, you may be very disappointed that no-one buys your stuff.
How to use Traffic Exchanges Effectively
The best types of offers to promote in traffic exchanges are ones that appeal to the “traffic exchange” crowd.
They’re all about free, easy traffic and free income opportunities. They like easy things. Easy money, easy traffic, easy life ;)
You’ll have much more success promoting something that is related to
"easy money" with a catchy headline rather than an ebook store or some vitamin pills.
It’s easy to get started with free traffic exchanges. You simply sign up for a free account, add your websites urls (affiliate links) and/or banners and text links and way you go -
“surfing for credits”.
Surfing for Credits Explained
The website surfing system works on a timer. Usually about 20-30 seconds for free members. Times are lower for paid members.
So you sit there and click through websites waiting for the timer to go down and you earn credits. It can be monotonous and you clicking finger can get sore so consider some other ways to earn credits.
Surfing is not the only way to earn credits. A lot of traffic exchanges also have a mailing feature. Advertisers pay to send promotional emails to the traffic exchange members and members can earn credits when they open the email and click the link inside.
You can also earn credits by referring others to the traffic exchange. When they sign up and start surfing, some of the credits they earn go to you. Also, if they upgrade or make a purchase, you get a commission, so it’s a good deal!
Other Ways to Earn Credits
The other way to earn credits is to become an upgraded member. All traffic exchanges that I have signed up with have a paid upgrade option. They are pretty cheap so I don’t mind paying. For example, you can get 20,000 credits every month (meaning 20,000 visits) for $10 a month.
Upgraded accounts also add new members to your downline automatically. Like I mentioned just before, when your downline members surf for credits, some of them go to you. And when they make a purchase, you get paid a commission!
Apart from surfing and opening emails, some traffic exchanges have a website banner exchange system you can use. You simply add some code to YOUR website/blog which will display a banner ad.
For every time YOUR website/blog is viewed and the banner displayed, you get credit for YOUR banner to be displayed on someone else’s website/blog who has added the code to THEIR website. It’s cool because your website can earn credits while you are away from the main traffic exchange site.
Traffic exchange traffic can be used very effectively, if you know how to do it right. They are great for instant traffic when you need it, but remember to choose an offer the TE (traffic exchange) crowd will like.
Popular Traffic Exchanges - 100% Free to Join
And finally, below are some different traffic exchange website style but still very effective ways to generate free traffic to your website....
Getting traffic to your sites using Traffic Exchanges is a true set and forget traffic method. Justs remember to have an offer that is appealing to the Traffic Exchange crowd easy money opportunity kind of thing and you'll quickly see the real potential of traffic exchanges.
No #1 Recommended Traffic Exchange

To your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: best-traffic-exchanges, free-traffic-exchange, free-traffic-methods, how-to-get-free-website-traffic-quickly, how-to-use-a-traffic-exchange, start-my-traffic, traffic-exchange-reviews
Quick Income Tips - 7 Step Affiliate Profit Plan
Hi Affiliate Marketers,
If you are trying affiliate marketing (selling other people's products) and are yet to make your first sale online, then try my basic 7 step affiliate profit plan. These are just the bare bones of the plan but you can see how it is effective.
Step 1) Choose Hot Selling Products That Convert Well In One Niche - 2 or 3
Step 2) Promote Those Products To The
RIGHT Crowd By...
Step 3) Building A Blog Or Pre-sell Page For Each Product With Your Affiliate Link Embeded
Step 4) Drive Targeted
Traffic To Each Page From Articles, PPC, Email Marketing, JV Requests, SEO etc.
Step 5) Test Each Product To See Which Converts Best
Step 6) Ditch The Bad Performing Products And Choose Others To Test
Step 7) Refine And When You Have Found 3-5 Hits, Pump Up Your Campaign With
More TrafficThis little plan has been the underlying force that I and many other marketers use to bring home affiliate sales on a daily basis.
Now it's your turn - you have the basic plan now just mix it with some elbow grease and a few weeks of patient waiting and careful observation!
One proven hot selling product that many folks including myself have had OUTRAGEOUS success promoting and earning quick cash is Ewen Chia's
Secret Affiliate Weapon.
Great Training Resource and Great Product to Promote! =>
Click Here For More Info...To your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: affiliate marketing, affiliate-marketing-help, affiliate-marketing-tips, easy-way-to-make-money-online, ewen-chia, secret-affiliate-weapon
Copywriting Tip - Sales Letter Magic
This awesome copywriting tip came from a great marketer and friend of mine Bob Jenkins or "Bob the Teacher" as he's affectionately known. Actually, Bob got it from the group of expert copywriters he got training from at the recent JV Alert seminar in the USA.
Here's a little excerpt from what Bob shared of his experience...
"Everyone in the room had a chance to ask them questions, and the question I posed to them was this:
In their experience, what is the proper sequence of
writing the close of a sales letter, specifically, when do you offer your guarantee, when do you say the price, when do you add bonuses, and do you change the price value later on, etc.
This is an important topic because so much is riding on the end of a sales letter for that final purchase decision, right?
A lot is always talked about headlines, but this part not so much.
So I really wanted to know the answer.
Would you like to know it, too?
Awesome... here it is.
When you are finished talking with your reader in your sales letter about what problems your product or service solves, and you present the offer, do it in this sequence:
1) Explain the offer of the product and give the final price.
2) Provide a solid risk-reversal guarantee that takes away any fear that their money is going to disappear overnight.
3) Add your bonuses, and do so in a way that takes people one step past the point you told them your main product will take them
4) Recap the entire offer and the guarantee
5) Give the order form. "
Thanks Bob for sharing this awesome secret. Copywriting is definitely an art and vital skill we need to all constantly improve on as marketers.
Best wishes,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: bob-jenkins, copywriting-tips, how-to-write-a-salesletter, jv-alert
Product Reviewers Make More Affiliate Money
product reviews to make money online is becoming very popular again - especially for affiliate marketers.
It's quite simple to do actually and you know the readers who find your review page is a top qualified prospect as they obviously alread have interest or knowledge of the product.
When you think about it, it's almost the perfect affiliate marketing model!The common way to do a product review was to write a positive review (about 300 - 500 words) and submit it to review websites or article directories that accept review articles.
However, perhaps the better way to pull more targeted visitors and increase your chances of earning
more affiliate commissions is to create your own review website.
This way, you can list as many products as you like on your own website with your own affiliate link embedded. Just make sure you write reviews about related products on your review website.
To do this, you'll need some attractive yet easy to use
review website templates. If you jump over to Sean Lowrey's website, you'll see his set of 12 beautiful brand new review templates.
Usually Sean sells them for $27 - but I was able to get a special deal through my networks for a $10 - discount. Go have a look here...

Forget the high prices of professional website design and don't fall for any cheap tacky designs. These are some of the best looking designs I've seen.
You can add up to 10 (I think) products with a short review article and even modify the layout slightly. They are so simple to edit and upload, you can have one or two up in one evening.
Click here to check out
Review Site Templates here...
Good luck with your new review affiliate sites!
Stuart Stirling
Labels: how-to-do-a-product-review, review-site-templates, review-website-templates, sean-lowery
3 Steps to Securing your Online Fortune...Especially for Newbies
Newbies have it tough in the Internet marketing business!I mean...you only need to look at all the "make easy money online" programs and systems that
look so inviting and you'd be INSTANTLY confused.
The statistics say that 95 out of 100 people never make any money at all online.
So what does a Newbie need to really start actually making money on the net?I'd like to break down the steps for securing online fortunes into 3 simple steps....
Step #1You need to commit yourself to
LEARNING online business as well and much as you can. Learn how the internet works and learn how money is made.
This comes by reading information on websites, blogs, in reports and ebooks, signing up for
email newsletters, listening to interviews and teleseminars and anywhere else you can find
a trustworthy source.
I have a couple of excellent RESOURCES that teach Newbies(especially) Online business secrets simply and quickly:
http://www.NewbieCashSecrets.com (NEW) and
http://www.NextInternetDisaster.com (Highly Rated)
Step #2Take your new-found knowledge and put it to use!
In other words,
TAKE ACTION! If you have just read about how you can set up a website, then
go out, follow the instructions and do it.
Even if you're still unsure about it, you always learn when you get in there and do it. When you
get truly stuck, ask someone for help.
Step #3Keep at it until you SUCCEED! It makes only sense that if you never give up, you are guaranteed
If you can't get traffic, if you can't convert that traffic, if you can't get that JV, then try different approaches until you find one that works.
Just don't throw in the towel and pick up something else before you give it a decent shot first.
In other words....
you MUST be committed!Stuart Stirling
ps. Start your learning (Step #1) with these 2 quality resources...
http://www.NewbieCashSecrets.com (NEW) and
http://www.NextInternetDisaster.com (Highly Rated)
Labels: how-to-succeed-at-internet-marketing, make-money-online-help-for-newbies, newbie-cash-secrets