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Start Your Affiliate Marketing In 6 Simple Steps
Affiliate marketing is a quick'n'easy to start business model to make some relatively easy bucks online.
Theses 6 steps are brief and quite simple. However, all 6 steps are important to ensure your affiliate marketing success.
1. Choose a Niche MarketWhy to choose a niche market first instead of product? First, what if you find a product you like but there is no market for it? Second, you want to be able to put more products in your pipeline later down the track. So first, search for available products or services you can sell as an affiliate.
You have to choose a market which suits you too. Obtain detailed information about it. Know what types of people you're going to target. Do they have money? Where do they hang out? Waht are they buying already? Research things like that first. When you think you have found a profitable market, go product hunting.
2. Pick a Product to SellWhen you have picked a specific niche market, now it is time to select a product to sell as an affiliate. Of course you will want to choose a product specific to your niche. You can't sell lawn care ebooks to fishing fanatics.
You will probably feel that you want to promote and sell all the products at the beginning, but it is advised not to do this in the start. Start with one or two. If you choose a ton of products to promote in the beginning, you will lose track of everything and end up going no-where.
Choose a product that is good value and has a nice commission payout for you. Make sure you choose from a reliable website so you can rest assured you get your affiliate commission and they are contactable in case a problem arises.
3. Set up an Autoresponder Email SeriesAfter you get started with your affiliate campaign, you need to create a follow up email series, which is also called an autoresponder series. This is the magical part that will put your
affiliate marketing on autopilot.
Follow up, follow up, follow up! An autoresponder will do this automatically!This series must have good information about your niche market and also info about the products you are selling that will make your prospect want to buy your recommendations.
For example, if you are selling golf clubs, you can build an email series telling them about how to improve you swing and how these golf clubs will help you improve.
Try to be creative. Mix in the sales pitch quaintly and tell your visitors how they can purchase those golf clubs. You can also compare different golf clubs, state the benefits and advantages. Write about some major golfers in the world.
It is typical that during first few weeks, prospects do not buy. It takes them time to warm up with good info and good deals. Make about 10 short emails in your series spread out over about 2 months. It can be longer, but preferably not shorter.
4. Build a Squeeze Page to Capture EmailsOnce your email series is in place, create a page on your website where you will capture information (names and email addresses) about your prospects so you can send them your follow-up series. This is often called a "squeeze page". If you are building a business, having your own web site is a necessity. It may cost some money but it will be 100 times harder to get this system in place without your own website.
Not only can you have your squeeze page on your website, you can write about and display your affiliate products to the website visitors - and make you look like an expert.
5. Get Targeted Website TrafficOnce your auto-pilot
affiliate money machine (website and auto-responder) is up and running, all you need now is traffic!
It depends on your niche as how to go about getting traffic. Where do people interested in your niche hang out? If it's Youtube, make videos and upload to youtube. If its forums, hot the forums and add your links in your signature. Email marketing is often effective but be careful about buying email lists.
6. Find additional related productsOnce you have started to drive traffic and are building a list of prospects and hopefully seeing some sales, its time to add some new products to your products list. Again, make sure they're related to your target market and offer value
If it's the
"Make Money Online" niche you want to target and don't know how to do anything technical like set up a squeeze page or find hot selling products, I recommend Affiliate Cash Secrets. They have done 90% of the work for you. All you have to do is follow their easy strategies and your first affiliate commission is around the corner.
Anyone can get started with
Affiliate Cash Secrets because it's all plug and play. Theres no guess work, just follow the steps and affiliate dollars are yours!
To your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: affiliate-marketing-for-beginners, affiliate-marketing-help, easy-way-to-make-money-online
Be A Social Networking Marketer? Simple Strategies Revealed

YouTube, Facebook and MySpace get millions of visitors daily! That is a lot of traffic! Social Networking and Social Marketing allow you to tap into some of that traffic and increase your own web presence. But there is a knack to it.
Marketing in Social Networking Websites is becoming more and more popular with online marketrers. And looking at the traffic stats from above, the reasons are clear.
The social networking websites mentioned above are just a couple of top examples of social sites which online entrepreneurs use to promote and market their own websites and products. When used properly, these sites can drive loads of unique and targeted traffic to your site on a consistent basis.
Here's how to be a Social Networking Marketer.Social networking sites allow users to interact with each other like in the real world, if not better, with video, audio, file sharing, blogging, chat and discussion groups. While these sites provide a huge arena for social networking, they also offer invaluable use to online entrepreneurs and social marketing.
As with most things on the internet, they quickly grow and branch out into
niches. Today there are many Social network sites that allow you to interact with users that have very specific interests and new social networking sites are built around these niche topics every day.

When it comes to
niche social networking sites, there are always be people in forums looking for advice on that niche topic. Once you find a site or group comprised of users interested in your niche, you have a good chance of becoming an authority on the subject, and opens the doors for your chance at social niche marketing.
A word of caution though: Although social networking sites are used by thousands upon thousands of online marketers to promote their products, you'll wear out your welcome fast if you just breeze in and try to promote your product or service without
any real interaction.
These are called spammers. Spammers aren't welcome at these sites, or anywhere so you could do your business more harm than good if you don't utilize them properly.
While it may take a while to build up real contacts, remember this is only one way to promote your site or product; you don't want to depend entirely on one site or even one format.
Networking on the Internet works in much the same way as networking in the brick and mortar world. It's a give and take situation where you express interest and contribute with the others in the network. As you do this, others will express interest in you and what you have to offer. Afterall, people are people and not robots just because they use a computer.
Here's how to build your credentials, and make you an expert.Why not upload a short video tutorial at YouTube, create one or more blogs at the various free blogging sites such as blogger or wordpress.
Create pages at MySpace, Facebook, or any other social networking sites that appeal to you and show the world what you know. Of course, don't show them your best stuff as you want to save your best info for your products you can sell!
Getting involved at social networking sites can give your online business a boost and drive a lot of targeted website traffic as long as you develop a genuine presence at the sites and make the time and effort to create relative content as there is a lot of competition. So make sure you go about it with sincerity and passion. Go hard, or go home.
Stuart Stirling
Labels: facebook, myspace-marketing, niche-marketing, social-marketing, social-networking, web 2.0, youtube
Is Web 1.0 Dead? Welcome to Web 2.0
What is Web 2.0? You've probably heard a lot of talk about the term Web 2.0. It's not a piece of software, but the new 21st century platform for
user generated content.
It's All About Interaction.Instead of users merely surfing the web, they're
interacting with other users and enterprises. Web 2.0 has become the new environment at the heart of the Internet, with audience participation in overdrive. Websites like Youtube.com, MySpace.com and Facebook.com are perfect examples of Web 2.0 in use today.
SIDENOTE: If you ever take a look at the top 100 website rankings for traffic, you'll see web 2.0 website DOMINATE. eg. Youtube.com is No.2 in the world!A good example of the difference in Web 2.0 and the era of the Internet's infancy, or perhaps Web 1.0 is that while surveys have not been abolished, they were a reigning presence in the early days of the Internet to gauge a customer's preferences and experiences. Now customers impressions can be displayed over a wide range of areas.
The evolution of Web 2.0 brings customers the ability to
make themselves part of the website. They can create a membership account, add a photo, add a video, write a blog post, leave a comment, ask a question, rate a product, send a message to other users and use a number of other interactive tools immediately.

Perhaps the greatest value of Web 2.0 for marketers on the internet, other than a
great hosting platform for potentially skyrocketing profits, is that users and customers can instantly read, hear, or see what other users and customers think about a product or service, which has a greater impact on sales.
While the surveys of yesterday provided information solely to the marketers, Web 2.0 interfaces share the opinions and experiences of customers with each other. This platform gives "word of mouth" a new meaning and a much faster and effective vehicle.
Web 2.0 embraces the same technologies for social networking as it does for enterprise. This enables users to communicate across a wide variety of sites using the same material while it forges much more of a community bond than the earlier technologies.
Web 2.0 advances have even allowed politicians to take advantage of the interactive interface by communicating with voters in ways never before possible. And, perhaps most exciting of all, e-commerce has profited and continues to profit handsomely from the Web 2.0 phenomenon.
Therefore, the Web 2.0 trend is rapidly changing the Internet for all kinds of users. For Internet marketing entrepreneurs, we have to keep up with the technological changes found in Web 2.0 or we fear to lose to the competition. People just won't stick around if we all they can so is look and read, which is so typical Web 1.0.
Web 2.0 marketing does not necessarily mean you have to build your own Myspace or Youtube. While it is a great idea, the other important aspect of Web 2.0 marketing is to
utilize the current websites like Youtube to direct traffic to your own website, offers etc.
The point:
CAPITILIZE!Luckily, there is
Web 2.0 marketing help that will show you how to do this. A small group of marketing experts have combined their skills and created a membership website that will teach you Web 2.0 Marketing. I personally have access to their training materials and I can say this stuff is simply amazing. They really know what they're talking about.

All the info they share about Web 2.0 Marketing comes from experience, NOT theory, like so many other products on the market. So, for expert help at a reasonable price, I highly recommend
Web 2.0 Marketing: Traffic Ramp-up Blueprint.
If your serious about making money online in the present, you need this. If you want to make money online in the future, it will be almost impossible without this. Claim one of the 1000
exclusive memberships available and start profiting today and into the future with Web 2.0 Marketing.
To your success,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: e-commerce-advances, home-business, internet-marketing-2008, web 2.0
Download Thousands in Free Products as IM Giveaway Launches
The wait is finally over and
IM Giveaway is live!
Myself along with good friends James Brown and Dan McGonagle have opened the doors on what is likely to be the greatest Internet Marketing JV giveaway event of 2008!
Over 200 excellent internet marketing products have been added and are ready to be downloaded for free!

Click Here to Claim Your Free Ticket to IM Giveaway and Download Hundreds of Quality Gifts for Free!IM Giveaway is running for a short 7 days only - from Feb 22 - 29, which isn't much time to download all the free products available. After the 7 days is up, the doors will be closed, until we run our next JV giveaway.
If you want to
sign up as a JV, there are spots still available. Sign up, submit your gift, then refer other JV partners to boost your gift's rank and help the giveaway go viral - making it bigger for you!
Enough small talk, your
free internet marketing products are waiting to be downloaded!
Sign up to
IM Giveaway for free now!
Labels: free-ebooks, free-internet-marketing-products, free-software, giveaway, imgiveaway, jv-giveaway
Make Money With Credit Cards Affiliate Marketing
Credit card affiliate marketing has been a kept a hidden secret among many wealthy Internet marketers simply because it is way too a lucrative niche to talk about publicly.
How much are we talking about exactly?How's $65 US for each person who signs up to apply for a credit card, whether they are accepted to get the card or not!?
First, let me explain a little more about the niche of credit card affiliate marketing in 3 basic steps.
It's really, really simple.
1) You, as an affiliate drive traffic and introduce the product (in this case a credit card) from your website using your affiliate link.
2) Your prospect fills in an online application form for the credit card they want.
3) The credit card affiliate program pays you for that lead that just signed up, whether their application is successful or not.
Easy? It's totally hands-free affiliate marketing - the way it should be!You aren't selling anything, yet you get paid a very nice commission for just getting sign ups. You still get paid even if the applicant isn't successful in getting the credit card!
And, this is how YOU can get your slice of this multi-billion dollar niche.
My friends James Brown and Vincent Abrugar have just released a plug-in
credit card affiliate marketing system that is perfect for marketers on any level.
Their system is called
Credit Card Publisher.
Credit Card Publisher is a website script that completely automates the credit card affiliate marketing process, from set up to management, allowing you to start cashing in easier than ever before.
Here are a few features of Credit Card Publisher that will help you increase commissions and make your job almost effortless.....
1) Quick and Easy to Install
2) Easy to use admin control panel helps you -
* Manage affiliate accounts
* Add new credit card articles
* Add RSS feeds from any news or blog source
* Publish a newsletter in HTML
* Select the best credit card offers to display
3) Pre-loaded credit card deals and keyword-filled content
All of these features mean you are in control!
And, it's so easy to set up. Set up time is less than 1 hour. Actually, the guys will set up your first one for you and once it's set up, it will be out there on the web working for you on auto-pilot for the rest of time.
Things you actually need to do: 1) Register a domain name. Try to find a good domain name related to credit cards. A lot of the dot com names are taken so take some time looking for other good options.
2) Get hosting for the website. There are some server requirements, but most servers these days are more than substantial.
3) Upload your website. Actually, James and Vincent will upload the first website for you. How nice of them :)
4) Apply for an affiliate account with the credit card affiliate program that is recommended in the system. My application came back successful the next day. After your account is approved, insert your affiliate ID into your website.
5) Promote your website. In other words, get traffic. Although the RSS feeds and articles will attract some search engine traffic, be prepared to promote your credit card website. This shouldn't take more than 1 hour per week. Submitting articles to directories, PPC and/or PPV advertising and link building are the highest recommendations for website promotion.
If you have been struggling to find a profitable niche, look no further than credit card affiliate marketing. The costs to set up your own credit card affiliate marketing system using
Credit Card Publisher are minimal compared to the payouts easily attainable.
Remember, it's up to $65 per lead that simply applies for a credit card, not to mention the Adsense that is also displayed that can generate up to $8 per click!
So go over and
get yours today before everyone else jumps on this and before James and Vincent raise the price on their
Credit Card Publisher website script. Finally start seeing bigger affiliate commissions than ever before!
Labels: credit-card-affiliate-marketing, credit-card-affiliate-marketing-system, credit-card-publisher, make-money-with-credit-cards, niche-marketing
Online Profit Increasing Tips - Pump It Up Like Arnie!
NEWS: Simple Step-by-Step Strategies to Driving Traffic to your Websites in One Hour Per Day! Download
Real World Traffic Strategies here! (hint: keep an eye out for the PLR bonus)
Today, I want to talk about Doubling Efficiency and in turn, doubling your profits.
The beauty of running your own home business is that you're in control. You choose how you work and you see the rewards.
ie. a PAY RISE.....yay!
If sales are up, give yourself a pat on the back. If sales are down, you'd better pull your thumb out and get stuck back into it :)
So how does a business person increase their efficiency? Read this short story......---------------------------------------------------
I just finished reading a very eye-opening email from a fellow internet marketer and friend who also lives in Japan.
He related his experience of a recent visit to the local gym to the way some marketers do business.
As he was out there pumping iron, there were 2 other young Schwarzenneger wanna-be's decked out in muscle shirts and belts (even they didn't need them for the weights they were "lifting").
My friend watched as they'd sit on the bench and talk about training and "getting HUGE" and finally head over to the machine to do a 30 second set of reps, obviously not straining, not trying to force another rep in.
Guess what happens...
Fast forward 6 months.....They're going to wonder WHY they haven't beefed up.
They put in the
TIME at the gym. So what was wrong with that??
They lacked one thing, INTENSITY. -------------------------------------------
How many times do we get distracted or simply feel like it's too hard?
Or the best one of all, "I'll do it tomorrow..."?
Persistence, focus, INTENSITY does pay off.
Let's say one of those 2 "posers" at the gym actually started to get serious about bulking up.
What if he added just ONE extra rep to each of his sets?
What if he added an extra 10 pounds to the bar?
What if he went to the gym FOUR times a week
instead of twice a week?
Do you think he would start making his friend look
like a bean pole?The answer is a certain YES!I'm sure you can apply this to YOUR business, where you're at now and what you need to do to start seeing the results you want.
If you only doubled the amount of time doing actual money-making (ie. business building) activities, you'd double your profits, right?
So, what's stopping you?
My friend who relayed this story lives by his moto
"Go heavy or Go home" in not only his work-out habits but in his business, and it shows.
I hope this has been a kind of "kick up the rear" to get you moving in the right direction toward your goals.
Pick a path, stick to it, pump that iron and don't stop until you reap the rewards!
Have a fantastic weekend and be in touch next week.
Stuart Stirling
PS - There are 38 pages of
business success inspiring lessons in my latest ebook release,
Next Internet Disaster, even better than the little story I just shared with you above. (grab it while the discounted price lasts)
Labels: increase-efficiency, increase-profits, increase-targeted-traffic, make-money-online