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Golden Week Giveaway
Golden Week Giveaway is live!
For the next 7 days, myself & James Brown, PLUS a selected group of TOP marketers are pooling together some of our best resources - and you can gain instant access to them at no cost.
Download cool and useful resources to the tune of:
* Collection of E-Books & Resell Rights,
* Private Label Content,
* Templates,
* Business-in-a-box,
* And Much, Much More!
They're yours for the taking because none of them will cost you a thing!

Get them all free at
Golden Week GiveawayWarm Regards,
Stuart Stirling
P.S. This event runs for only 7 days so I cannot guarantee that the gifts will be there forever. Thus your best bet is to grab them now while the event is in effect!
For a limited time only...
Visit Golden Week Giveaway today!
Labels: free-ebooks, free-guide-to-make-money-online, free-internet-marketing-products, golden-week-giveaway
Oh, WOE is the life of this Internet Marketer
Ahhhhh, do you sometimes wish you never got out of bed?
These last 7 days have been very trying for me and my wife.
You see, our apartment was BROKEN INTO last week by a theif who got away with my wife's
laptop computer, brand name bags, my beloved PSP and games among other things.
Altogether, we're DOWN about $3000 worth of goods, not to mention the invasion of privacy
which you really can't put a price on.
I admit it could have been a lot worse, but it was a big ordeal for me and especially my wife which we are still getting over.
It was big a surprise as Japan is considered such a safe, low crime country.
So this last 7 days we've been trying shake this off and get our lives back on track.
I was looking for a new computer for my wife and one I can use at home when I'm not working
with James Brown and I found a nice one. An NEC LL550/L and running Windows Vista.
It's actually quite nice to use and I am very happy with Vista - not anywhere near as bad as the HORROR stories some people make out.
I have been spending all day today installing all the necessary software and tools and adding some of my favorite bookmarks I use for business ...and recreation ;)
Time Out - Why am I telling you this?==============================
Everyday we are bombarded by emails with nothing but offers in them -- they seem to be written by a ROBOT -- no feeling, no purpose but to extract money from your wallet.
The internet is changing.
People are getting closer and closer as the ways of communication is getting easier.
And people like it!
Just take Twitter.com - people are going crazy about it. I don't think it's much of a marketing tool, but it let's people follow your movements. You can keep up with my movements on Twitter here.
Doing business is all about connecting with your customers and clients - it's about making friends.
Why should it be any different online?
That's one of the reasons why James Brown and I started doing the Free Coaching Calls.
It's so we can connect with our subscribers on a more personal level and vise versa.
It's those who can connect with their customers and prospects better who will experience greater success because it's a 2-way street. When you do business right, you win and your customer wins.
We just had our 3rd call just over 24 hours ago and they are going great. The response it very positive!
If you haven't registered on the call notify list yet Stuart, you are seriously missing out.
=> http://FreeCoachingCalls.com
To your success,
Stuart Stirling Labels: connecting-with-customers, internet-marketing-tips
Getting in the "IM Blackbook" - Players Only!
Online marketing yet again strikes the offline world with the introdution on the
Internet Marketer's BLACKBOOKEveryone is familiar with the "Yellow Pages" as an all-in-one directory for stores, businesses and services in your local area.
IM BLACKBOOK is like an "insider's yellow pages", a directory of the best internet based businesses. It is not a digital ebook - it will be a soft cover 8.5" x 11" bound tangible book.

It's especially geared towards internet business owners/marketers and their products and services.
Whether you're an ezine publisher, info-product creator, blogger, membership site/forum webmaster, website/graphics designer, php code monkey or freelance writer, you can have a listing in the IM BLACKBOOK with a whole 1 page advert.
Not only will you get your listing in the book, you will also receive a copy of the book to keep and use in your daily business activities.
And because the internet is accessible worldwide, locality of your business is not a problem, but these spots aren't just for anyone, they are served for serious IM players ONLY!
James B. Allen (internet marketing expert) and his crew are in preparation stages of securing listings for their up-soming release of
This is an unbelievable chance to get YOUR own one-page listing in what will be a must-have resource for your website/product/service and not only that, but to connect with other like-minded people you can potentially work with in the future.
And if you're wondering, yes, I’ve already secured my listing :)
So how do you get in the IM BLACKBOOK?
Listings are only being accepted up until May 9, 2008 or until the 201 spots are taken, whichever comes first.
For complete details on how to claim your spot and copy of the "Internet Marketer's Blackbook", visit the website: http://www.IMBlackbook.com
Labels: im-blackbook, internet-business-directory, internet-marketers-blackbook
Why on earth would anyone use Twitter? Please explain...
So working with IM guru
James Brown these last few weeks has been interetesing. We've got a lot of good work done and I've been learning heaps but....
He is all over this
Twitter.com stuff and he's harrassing me to join too....I have been making jokes about it and saying "why on earth would I want to join a time wasting thing like Twitter?"
But the raving kept coming so what do I do? I finally crack and I join up plainly to see what all the fuss is about.
Well, after signing up less than 1 hour ago and uploading a silly ostrich face as my profile picture, I still can't see the real gains from using it.
I guess it's like a big instant message or chat program where you can just share your own blurb, see into people's lives and share your every movement and announcement however small.
But is there something bigger I'm missing here?
Perhaps I could throw out a question and let them all jump on that? In that way its like Yahoo Answers.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll find a good use for Twitter one day, but I'm not going to drop everything to in any sort of hurry.
Stuart Stirling
http://twitter.com/stuartstirling(on Twitter.com - if you care)
Labels: how-use-twitter, is-twitter-a-waste-of-time, twitter-tips
Which Products Make The Most Money Online?
Wondering which type of products will make you the most money online?
Here's the short answer....
DIGITAL PRODUCTSNothing beats the easiness and automation that comes with instant digital product download!
By far the best business to be in this side of MARS!
So how do you get started in the digital product selling business?1. Get products with resell rights. eg. ebooks, software, audio, video, images.....if it can be downloaded, it can make you money!2. Sell them for profit. You can sell them from your own digital goods online store - burn them on a CD and sell them on ebay - bundle a pack of related digital products and run a "firesale" - create a membership website and offer monthly subscriptions for new digital products each month.
Pretty simple 2 step system right?"But where do I go to learn all this stuff...and where can I get popular digital products I can start earning with right now?"Here's where to go to help you start your lucrative new resell rights business....
Check out and grab your
free membership at
www.ResellRightsTycoon.comMy buddy and work partner, James Brown is giving away memberships to his new site where you can
download hot selling digital products every month for free!There's no hiding that digital products sell like hotcakes. Every one wants the latest videos, music, ebooks and software. No wonder so many people are in this business!
Join the most lucrative online business today starting with your free membership at
www.ResellRightsTycoon.comBest wishes,
Stuart Stirling
Labels: free-ebooks, free-resell-rights-membership, free-resell-rights-products, james-brown, resell-rights-tycoon
Matt Bacak's $5500 Seminar for $1 - Beware of this Scam!?
BEWARE of Matt Bacak's $5500 seminar $1 offer! Don't get sucked in!
I saw it being promoted at the beginning of the week and was skeptical, to say the least. I mean, how can you not expect there to be 'something lurking' when someone sells a $5,500 product for $1?
And to back it up, I just got an email from J.P. Schoeffel who warns people about it too.
Dear Stuart,
This short notice to let you know not to purchase the Matt Bacack Retires package.
I am used to that kind of offer, but wanted to be sure, so I followed the order process till the end...
No surprise here: you are sold something looking interesting (but finally worth nothing when you see it in action) for $1.
Everyone will pay for it for sure. (at least those who can control themselves and go through the 4 upsells)
Simply know, that in the background you are enrolled in a monthly $30 newsletter. You can dig around and won't find any information related to this payment you're forced to agree.
Hopefully you're informed about this in the email you will receive...at least if you read it:
Your first free issue will be in your mailbox soon.
We know you'll find the information valuable because we make it easy!
Each month on the 12th you will be billed $29.97 just before the issue ships.
This only means that your credit card is billed without your authorization: you've just been scammed :-)
Some marketers are using that kind of methods to steal money from their customers. It's not new, but it's quite rare.
What is strange is that some so-called 'brilliant' marketers will start promoting it (and have already started promoting it)
This is of course a way of doing money online. I honnestly don't understand who will be happy
with this purchase once they will understand what happened in their back.
Of course it's not a big issue for the $1. But most will get the upsells and end up paying hundreds of dollars, will not take care of all the emails they will receive due to the numerous upsells. They could simply miss the recurring payment and it proves to be the goal here.
It says a lot on what you can learn from such 'marketers' :-)
Have a nice day.
PS: oh yes, you could say that you will still get the $1 deal and cancel anything...Good idea. Main issue is that the $1 area you're supposed to get access to will not let you in :-) (what can you expect from a $1 offer anyway)
And this 'offer' isn't the only one of this kind out there. Best advice is to be very careful about any offer you see that seems 'too good to be true', because 99.9% of the time, it is.
Stuart Stirling
Labels: $5500-$1-seminar-scam, internet-con, internet-scam, matt-bacak, scam
An Often Overlooked Success Secret - by Ted Nicholas
As an avid copywriter, I enjoy reading Ted Nicholas' emails. This week's is exceptionally educating. If you want to learn the secrets of a BILLIONAIRE too, then I suggest you sign up for is newsletter too. You can learn more about him and his amazing talents here:
www.tednicholas.comEmail From Ted Nicholas-
Often Overlooked Success Secret
The Success Margin
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
You are undoubtedly are seeking more sales, as does any sharp business person.
But, as many I have worked with, you may be unaware of a simple change in your sales strategy that can make the difference between massive success and complete failure. The answer?
You must discover how to effectively close sales.
Otherwise, it's just not possible to be successful in any business.
Yet, most offers I review both online and offline do not include a powerful close. The majority of
personal presentations have the same flaw. They offer just a single product or service. It's no wonder most offers, whether in written form or delivered in person, fail miserably.
I notice that new clients who ask me to critique their copy tend not to contain an effective close to their offer. Instead they simply offer their "widget." And then ask for the order. While this may seem logical to some, such a strategy will rarely succeed.
Often I can "fix" the copy and create a winning offer just by changing the close.
As every experienced direct marketer knows, how you word the offer has everything to do with its success.
Closing the sale effectively, whether in person or in sales copy, is absolutely essential for massive success.
You must close sales with passion and vitality. Clearly with a strong close you will often get a
"yes" answer to your offer. Why? Psychologically it's 10 to 100 times more powerful than the typical wimpy ending of most sales presentations.
There are many effective ways to close a sale. And I've tested nearly every proven one.
Today I'm going to reveal the simplest and easiest method I've ever found.
Please burn the next sentence in your mind, dear reader.
** When you are ready to go for the order, never ask a prospect a closing question (or any other question) which can be answered "yes" or "no" **When you plant the "no" seed in anyone's mind, it's almost automatic to simply say "no." And believe me, most will say "no" as a result.
From the beginning of the offer you want to
build a "yes" momentum when marketing anything.
Of course, in any offer you must present all the powerful and compelling benefits of your products first. (Study my writings and my home-study course, Million Dollar Copywriting Bootcamp, for a step-by-step plan. Click on
www.tednicholas.com for details.)
But here is the little-understood secret that will not only close orders. It will also put millions of dollars in profit directly into your bank account.
Here is the magic key to it all.
** Never ask "if." Instead ask "which" **Always form your question in such a way which gives your prospect a choice between something
and something.
Not something and nothing.
By giving the prospect a choice between two or more alternatives, you'll nearly always get the
answer you want.
A successful marketer gives the prospect a choice between at least two alternatives. Both alternatives must provide valid benefits to the prospect. (A choice of three to five options can also work successfully.)
** Examples of successful closing questions **Please observe that some questions are designed to draw answers that lead to or close the final sale:
* Would you like the basic package at $1,997, or the deluxe version which is just $497 more?
* Does the silver or gold membership program suit your needs best?
* Would you like delivery Monday or Wednesday?
* Would you like the product in brushed aluminum or black?
* Does the one payment or three payment option suit you best?
Or to your banker:
* Would a $150,000 line of credit or would $200,000 best suit your current loan budget?
The psychological power of asking the right questions, both in business and personal situations, cannot be overstated.
** The secret is to assume consent **In asking closing questions, basically you are assuming consent from your prospect, banker or
friend. This is nearly always a good thing for everyone involved.
During my high school years (long before I met Bethany) I first discovered the principle of
assuming consent during my early dating experiences.
I observed that most of the brightest and most appealing young women tended to spend their Saturday nights at home alone.
When I questioned my fellow male students as to why they didn't ask these young women out more often, they answered along these lines:
(1) "I've tried before. But they might say 'no.' That would make me feel rejected, which is tough for me to take."
(2) "They might be busy. When I've asked Susan out before she was busy doing something else. Or even worse, had a boyfriend."
I reasoned that neither response seemed like much of a risk to me. At least I would know the real facts. Because a "yes" was possible, perhaps even likely, It was a small risk I was willing to take.
So then I formulated my dating strategy. I simply asked a question which gave a choice between two options which suited me and them as well.
Here was the question I asked.
"Would you like to join me and go to the movies Friday or Saturday night?"
I was delighted that over 90% of the time they said "yes." Of course they chose the night which suited them best.
Occasionally they were busy both nights or had a boyfriend of whom I was unaware. Of course this was the law of average in action.
Later when I began to use the "choice close" in the business world the result was also sensational. I found this result to hold up ever since in personal sales situations. And in all my copy.
Have I convinced you yet? Utilize this closing technique in your next offer. See the results for yourself. I believe you'll never do it any other way again. Why?
Instead of that typical "no" response you will increase the number of times you hear that magic
word "yes" that we all love!
To your increased Success Margin.
Your correspondent,
Ted Nicholas
Powerful stuff. Thanks Ted.
www.tednicholas.comLabels: copywriting-expert, copywriting-tips, how-to-close-more-sales, ted-nicholas
Clickbank ATM and My $100 No-Brainer Bonus!
I'm very excited to bring this to you today!
Read this whole message so you can see how you can qualify for a free personal consultation call with me.==============================
Ever heard of Clickbank and it's potential for huge affiliate commissions?
I'm sure you have....well, here's how to turn it into a 24/7 automatic cash machine!
My buddy and partner in IM James brown has just put the finishing touches on what is the BEST no-nonsense guide to Clickbank marketing I have ever read!
It's perfect for the newbie affiliate marketer who wants to start promoting with Clickbank's affiliate program, but also it's for anyone looking to get serious with thier online affiliate business.
There's 99 pages of straight forward information to clear any concerns you have about selling as
an affiliate.....
+ Including detailed plans of how to set up and get your first successful affiliate campaigns off the
ground and making you money as soon as possible
+ And, not to mention the training videos
+ Plus the other killer bonuses on the download page
This is the very stuff I wish I had when I was starting to use Clickbank marketplace!
* My Special $100 Bonus for the First 15 Customers Only Who Buy Through My Affiliate Link!
I've never offered personal one-on-one coaching before, even though I've been asked several times.
However, here's an irresistible deal to really put your Clickbank marketing in the fast lane -
If you buy James' new Clickbank ATM report.....
Check out the page below to read how you can qualify for my special subscriber only $100 value no-brainer bonus. But seeing as you are kind enough to visit and read this post on my blog, I'll extend the bonus offer to you too ;)
=> http://stuartstirlingonline.com/likes/clickbankATM
This is an extremely rare offer you'd be crazy to miss. Could this be the turning point in your online career? Let's make it so!
To your success,
Stuart Stirling
ps. What are you waiting for? Visit the page below now and read further about how to really turn Clickbank into your very own cash spewing ATM!
=> http://stuartstirlingonline.com/likes/clickbankATM Labels: clickbank-affiliate-help, clickbank-atm, james-brown, special-bonus
Free Coaching Calls - Help is just a phone call away!
Hi, Stuart Stirling here with a great new announcement that will help anyone who needs a friendly hand to guide them in the right direction of making money on the internet.
Below is a sample of the copy on our sign up page for free coaching calls. Read more at
www.FreeCoachingCalls.com "Tired of stumbling and fumbling your way through the 'cyber wilderness' alone not knowing which way to turn when it comes to starting a successful home internet business let alone running one?
Have you ever wished there was someone you could trust and turn to for personalized help without handing over your life savings?
It's your lucky day because we have...
The perfect solution for you, and it's 100% free!
Join home business experts James Brown and Stuart Stirling every week for a live 60 minute tele-seminar for free!
- Dial in from the comfort your own living room, or...
- Listen in on the webcast from your desk, and...
- Actively participate - not to be muted out and ignored!
Join us live on our weekly coaching calls from the comfort of your own home at no cost other than the fee for the call if you choose to use your telephone!"
Now you can finally get to listen and chat personally with James and I on these free coaching calls and discuss any pressing issue you are having with your internet business, make money online projects or just general help and ideas to steer you in the right direction.
Go now and sign up free here and watch for the notification email in your inbox so you can join us in nextweek's free coaching call.
Talk to you soon,
Stuart Stirling & James Brown
www.FreeCoachingCalls.comLabels: free-coaching-calls, free-internet-coaching, free-online-business-training, make-money-online-help